This article aims to give you an overview of cause, symptoms and remedies of tennis elbow . At the face of your elbow, there is a bony bump known as the epicondyle. This epicondyle is in contact to fore arm by muscles. These muscles are linked up to the epicondyle by tendons. As a result of the overuse of forearm many times the tendons are damaged leading to pain in the elbow. This is termed as tennis elbow.
The first symptom of tennis elbow is soreness near the epicondyle of your elbow. It can be dull ache, sharp pain, stinging or throbbing.Very simple activities like holding a cup, turning a knob, painting become difficult. The soreness may radiate to your forearm and go up to the back of the palm.
Tennis elbow is treated by either one or a combination of medication, surgery, some home remedies and exercises.
R. I. C. E. is a method which is useful in reducing swelling and inflammation and can be used by anyone at home. It includes rest, ice, compression and elevation.Keeping your elbow in rest and regular icing is very helpful. 'Compression' involves keeping your injured area compressed using bandage. Resting the arm above the heart level is also advisable to reduce swelling .
If you go to a doctor, he or she might prescribe non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs. But this gives you only temporary relief. Tennis elbow surgery may include ossatripsy,cutting the tendon, making an incision, or removing inflamed tissue. Tennis elbow surgery may have negative consequences like blood loss, damage of nerve, , infection, damage of blood vessel, scar on the skin , .
Regular and proper practice of some exercises can be helpful in curing tennis elbow completely.
Some examples of such exercises are forearm twist, hammeringm prayer stretch, wrist extenson etc. However, you need to remember that if you do wrong exercise your situation may worsen. I would suggest you to see an expert for an exercise plan.
Author Resource:
Tennis Elbow Treatment and Tennis Elbow Exercises are two great resources for information on tennis elbow treatment.