Buying a bike today is different from our parents era. They would have a few to pick from and the price was not that flexible. We have many models and makes for different lifestyles. We can purchase a bike from a local retail store at a set price or we can shop online and find some great deals. We are truly living in a free enterprise era in the year 2008.On the internet, we could search Ebay or Amazon. Many large retailers have turned to both to sell their products, in which we as the consumer can reap the rewards. They have a large selection of new and used bicycles for every need. Ebay is one of the best choices for a good deal and if you are patient, you can buy below wholesale price. Depending on your budget and patience.I enjoy purchasing items through the auction process. The buying process, in which you bid on the item. The highest bid at the end of the auction, wins. If you prefer, the buy-it-now is available, process in which the item is purchased instantly at a set price.Amazon offers the instant purchasing and also has a large selection to choose from.When searching for a bike, take in consideration your reason for needing one. I would do some research, which for me is the fun part and along the way, pickup a great deal. Remember, the internet is very large and extensive and your next deal is around the corner.
Search hard, do your research and find your dream bicycle today.