A new research study published a couple of weeks ago in the Journal of the American Medical Association tested the impact of long-term exercise on long-term weight maintenance[1]. For this study, researchers collected information from more than 3,500 men and women who took part in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults and who were 18 - 30 years of age at the start of the study. Study volunteers were classified as maintaining either a high, moderate, or low level of physical activity based on activity scores at the start of the study. The study investigators collected information on body weight, waist size, and physical activity at regular intervals during a 20-year follow-up period. The results of this study showed that:
Women with a high level of physical activity over the 20-year period gained about 13 fewer pounds than women who did not exercise at a high level.
Women who maintained a high level of regular exercise also gained about 1.5 fewer inches compared to women with a low level of physical activity.
Men who maintained a high level of physical activity during the 20-year follow-up period gained nearly 6 fewer pounds on average than men who maintained only a low level of physical activity.
On average, men maintaining a high level of regular exercise also gained about 1 inch less around their waist than men with a low physical activity level.
While not unexpected, the results of this new study confirm the importance of maintaining a high level of physical activity throughout our lives. This particular study shows that starting a regular exercise program as a young adult and maintaining it for 20 years helps reduce weight gain, reducing their risk of becoming overweight during their middle-aged years, a time where many of us tend to start gaining unwanted pounds. However, this does not mean that it is too late to start exercising if you are already in your middle-age years or older. It is never too late to start exercising and receiving the benefits of that exercise. So, no matter how old you are, develop a healthy exercise plan, make it something you enjoy so that you can stick to it long-term, and get moving!