Getting an instant payday loan with a bad credit record is possible as long as you meet certain criteria. Cash advance loans do not require a traditional credit check through credit reporting agencies such as Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion. A payday lender does not care about whether you paid your credit card bill on time, or were sued for a medical bill you could not pay five years ago.
What lenders do care about is the status of your current checking account and whether you have a history of not paying back payday loans on time. Even if you had bad check writing problems in the past, as long as it has not caused recent overdrafts on your checking account, lenders usually will not learn of or concern themselves with these financial indiscretions.
Cash advance lenders use a variety of electronic systems to find out how many payday loans you have outstanding, and whether you have failed to pay back other such businesses in the past. They also want to make sure you have regular income through a job or government benefits, and that you have not just opened your checking account. Historically, people with established checking accounts are at much lower risk of simply closing the account to try to avoid paying back their obligations.
Even if you have filed bankruptcy or had other checking accounts closed due to overdrafts, you should still be able to get a payday loan as long as your current job, bank account, and loan history check out. Almost everyone can get an emergency loan in advance of their paycheck as long as they can meet these simple criteria.
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Note: by researching and comparing the Cash Advance Lenders in the market, you will save money by choosing the one offering the cheaper interest rates.
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