Parents want to protect their children when surprising circumstances arise. Whether utility service has been interrupted or you’ve been unexpectedly stranded, there are ways to be prepared.
The temptation to panic is dangerous when in an emergency (reference: RULE OF 3 S TO SURVIVE). Little children are sensitive to your mood and will become overwrought if you are upset. Your efforts to be prepared will give you the confidence you need to reassure your children.
Find opportunities to institute some semblance of a routine in your children’s day. This will give them a sense of stability and show that you are still able to function as parent and protector.
When you find yourself isolated, the ability to amuse oneself is a necessity. Batteries and generators won’t likely be available for games. Keep craft supplies on hand: crayons, markers, paper, play dough, scissors, tape, etc. Take the time to introduce your children to board games, dolls, toy cars, blocks, puzzles and reading in order that they will be welcomed ‘old friends’ should they need entertainment. It is also wise to keep educational materials stocked (items such as work books, flash cards, pencils, reference books, etc.) in the event you find organized schooling is no longer an option.
Your dental health and other health conditions should be tended while you have access to remedies and treatments. Rather than neglect those annoying aches and pains, take steps to remedy them so they aren’t a factor in an emergency. If you require certain medicines, be sure that you have a supply in stock. Observe closely the eating, sleeping and toilet patterns of your loved ones in order to catch and treat illness early and decisively. Rather than focusing on your own challenges, take some time to become a student of others so you will be the first to recognize when someone in your party is being adversely affected by circumstances.
Tomorrow’s health is affected by today’s food choices. Children that are trained to be picky eaters could do themselves harm by refusing to consume needed nutrients. Taste buds can be trained to appreciate a variety of tastes and textures available in real foods, but this can be difficult if the pallet has been compromised with processed foods and sugars. Take the time to introduce children to a wide spectrum of foods. Basic real food preparation and nutrition should become hot topics for learning and teaching in your home.
Babies don’t require a lot of equipment in order to be healthy and safe In an emergency. Pacifiers, disposable diapers, music players, bouncy chairs, cribs and carriers are modern conveniences, not necessities. What babies DO require is nourishment, and to be kept warm and dry.
Breastfeeding is a learned skill. Breastfeeding is worth the time investment as it is beneficial to both mother and infant. This insures that the littlest members of your family will have a ready (and mobile) supply of nourishment if you aren’t able to secure formula. For bottle fed babies, you will need to keep formula in stock.
Infants aren’t able to regulate body temperature and must be protected from extremes of heat or cold. In summer, protect babies from direct sun. An umbrella is a good tool for this. Small ones can be protected from the cold by dressing them in layers. Zippered fleece sleepers can be placed over long thermal underwear for nighttime warmth. Sharing a bed with several persons will also help keep everyone warm at night. Wool socks, hats and zippered fleece jackets can keep babies warm during the day.
When water is in short supply or the temperature becomes very cool, it isn’t necessary to enjoy the luxury of a daily bath. Locate the warmest area of your living space and teach each child how to quickly wash face, hands, feet and privates each day. Before meals, have them wash their hands. This is important for healthy hygiene in rustic conditions. Explain to older children the importance of a well positioned latrine and show them how to dispose of waste well away from living areas.
Children that have gained life skills will be more confident in strange situations. Teaching your children how to shop, stock a pantry, pitch a tent, build a camp fire, sew, repair small engines, perform CPR, first aid, garden and swim is an investment. Understanding what to do during a fire drill, how to fend off an attack and having practiced other scenarios are real confidence builders. These children have a plan and aren’t as likely to panic.
Making preparedness a part of your life will help your children avoid panic when moments are crucial. Rather than face the unknown with desperation, you will have a plan and your little ones will know what to expect. These measures help families face uncertainty with strength.