It is said that approximately 250 billion hours of TV are watched by Americans each year and that and that approximately 99 of American households posses at least one television in the home according to the A.C. Nielsen Co. That is a lot of hours in which people could be working, practicing a worth while hobby, improving investments such as a home, and developing stronger relationships with those they care about. With so many ways to purposefully spend their time, why then do so many Americans spend it in front of the TV? Obviously we all enjoy being entertained but it may be beneficial to your life as well as somebody else s if you try to cut back on the amount of time that is spent in front of the television. There, after all, was a day when having a television wasn t common and other activities where used to occupy time every day. Here are a few ideas to help you to get out from in front of the TV and start using your time more purposefully.
Play a board game with your child. Board games were the common and popular choice form entertainment years ago when televisions were not quite so attainable and there is a reason for this, their fun. Not only do kids love board games as well as many adults but they are educational for children as well. Board games teach children certain lessons about life that they will carry with them forever such as taking turns and being a good sport, counting, reading, and numerous other social lessons. Spending time playing a game with your child rather than watching TV not only improves your life but helps you to invest in your child s future as well making it a great way to get out from in front of the television.
Commit to an exercise routine. The busier you are the less time you will have to spend in front of the TV. Committing to a daily exercise routine will add to the busyness of your schedule and keep you out from in front of the TV. Your exercise routine doesn t necessarily have to be rigorous but lengthier. The longer your routine is the less time you will have to watch TV and if you can exercise outside of the home you will be even less tempted to grab that remote.
Read a book. Pick up a book and read instead of watching TV. If it s nice out you can even do this outdoors to get you even further away from the television. By reading a book you can still get that taste of entertainment that you love so much but you will be able to expand your mind and your vocabulary at the same time. You can find a book that is similar to any type of show you watch so it will not be hard to find something that suits your preferences.
There are numerous reasons to watch less TV. Explore your options so that you can start living a healthier lifestyle both physically and mentally.