Create or engage a community, carry on a dialog and seek to establish partnerships, if you create a blog or forum post remain engaged and contribute thoughts that matter, don’t expect others to carry the load. Use Pictures, Video and Content to put yourself out there.
The better you can remember your customer’s names, faces, family and preferences the greater the trust bond will grow. Be the friend who is honest and seeks mutual goals attainment while keeping your partner or customers needs & interests first.
You must trust yourself before others will! Do you possess & display Integrity, good intent, competence in your capabilities while creating relevant results? Can you make it easy for others to quickly decide that your suggestions are the solutions to the questions they need answered?
Seek to always gain further knowledge in your area of expertise to become more effective, persuasive, confident and convincing, this automatically breaks down barriers which allows you to help others visualize solutions, solve problems and achieve goals.
Differentiate yourself from your competition through branding, creating a USP and refining your writing to a diamond edge, many people say the same things, write something that matters!
Be human first, we are all feeling emotional beings; establish relationships engaging others right brain hemispheres then help them solve their problems using the left.
Here are some suggestions towards fixing credibility issues?
The ability to listen is number one, if someone issues a negative comment about you, you must address it quickly, social media is transparent and widely read, ensure your online reputation is a good one. You can set Google alerts on your own name or company to keep up with what people are saying about you online.
Do a S, W, O, T analysis on your competition, what are your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in relation to your competition; what are theirs in relation to YOU!
Find a key point of difference and work to support your position, use third party endorsements instead of your own claims, IE… JD Power, Consumer Reports, current and past client’s favorable recommendations etc…
Establish your own credibility early, are you an MD, PH,D, JD, MBA, CPA use these abbreviated titles if you have them, if you don’t then bring in other experts, collect endorsements, write and produce diamond edged articles, blogs, white papers, video’s and reports that command attention and position you as a natural leader.
Take time to develop answers to questions you know people will generally need from you regarding your business, product or service, you must act, behave and appear competent, trustworthy, dependable and committed while remaining composed and likeable all at the same time. Note: Extraverts are generally seen as more capable due to their apparent confidence.
In the end, continuously making and keeping commitments and promises creates a long term track record that often gives you instant credibility wherever you go by following you as you walk your talk. Track records cut through noise and clutter like butter!
If you currently seem to lack credibility seek feedback from people who know you best by asking them to give you three areas you’re good in but more importantly three more that could use improvement, have them write their answers on 3x5 cards then take further constructive action on yourself using others insights, feedback and recommendations to improve in those areas.
The bottom line: Keep your commitments, follow through and walk your talk. (Repeat)
Read the conclusion here: