As high school and college graduates quickly realize, managing their personal budget is important. One area they can be confident about saving money is purchasing graduation invitations. By knowing a few financial tips and also knowing what to look for when choosing them, you can save a significant amount of money while still allowing for truly unique invitations that you'll be proud to send and that loved ones will be thrilled to receive.
While everyone will be excited to learn about your graduation, it doesn't necessarily mean they all need to receive the same graduation invitations. To help save money, you can choose from a variety of formats, sizes and groupings to maximize your dollars spent. Then those hard-earned dollars can be spent elsewhere, whether it's on a graduation gift, a vacation or even clothes for your new career.
Think Unique
Many graduates often opt for mass-produced, cookie-cutter style invitations. While they may be inexpensive, they're also unoriginal and can easily get lost in the shuffle. To stand out among the rest and still keep costs low, you can integrate your favorite pictures into your photo graduation invitations. With today's technology, it simply requires a click and your favorite memories can be shared. Whether you choose to showcase a timeline of events from your childhood to graduation day or a funny moment with friends, this type of personalization is appreciated and well-received by loved ones.
To save money when sending photo graduation invitations, choose formal cards for relatives, casual cards to hand-deliver to classmates and small versions of the formal cards for long-distance friends. By varying the sizes and formats, you save money while still sending the wonderful news to everyone on your list.
Quantity and Quality
When trying to save money, it's all about quantity to get the best price. By finding a package deal on graduation invitations, you can get a large number of cards to send to all your loved ones. And to maximize the dollars saved, shop online. You'll save time by eliminating driving around to look for the best designs and prices; and you'll save money by not purchasing the graduation invitations from one place, labels from another and Thank You cards from yet another. Online shopping allows everything to be done at your fingertips.
Just because you get a large quantity doesn't mean you have to sacrifice the quality, either. Creating customized photo graduation invitations provides an opportunity to share your success and your style. Let everyone know about your big day through pictures, trendy colors, inspiring designs and playful layouts. Your graduation invitations should be a reflection of your personality, without costing a fortune. Choose a variety of sizes and shop online to maximize your dollar.
Postcards, Please
The top money-saving tip comes down to the delivery. Ask yourself, "is it really necessary to mail these graduation invitations?" In certain cases, the answer is "yes." Long-distance friends, special relatives and a few others on your list are often a must. But coworkers, classmates, neighbors and friends you see on a regular basis don't necessarily need graduation invitations mailed to them. You see them plenty, so take advantage of hand delivering the cards. It's sometimes even considered more personable and memorable to receive graduation invitations by hand, so your close friends will appreciate the gesture while you appreciate the cost savings on postage.
Letting loved ones know about your accomplishments doesn't have to cost a fortune. Whether you share pictures through photo graduation invitations or simple style and personality through custom graduation invitations, there are plenty of money-saving tips to get what you want at a price that's desirable. By choosing a variety of sizes and only mailing when necessary, you can deliver your news and save a few dollars.
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Jenna Williamson likes to share party tips and beautiful stationery like personalized graduation announcements and graduation thank you cards that are high style and high quality at an affordable price. She believes that lives should be shared, with style, at prices you can afford.