For those individuals who suffer from insomnia it is important to recognize just what exactly insomnia is. Insomnia means trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep, or not getting enough rejuvenating sleep so that daytime functioning is impaired. That is all fine and dandy but in reality insomnia varies from one individual to the next and its definition isn't always quite so clear cut. In general however insomnia can be seen as one of 3 different types:
Transient insomnia which normally lasts for roughly a week.
Acute insomnia when the sufferer has experienced symptoms for approximately a month.
If symptoms persist for more than a month then the condition is categorized as being chronic insomnia.
There are numerous things that can cause insomnia, some of which may appear fairly innocuous at first glance. For example, your food intake and the fact that you consume a lot of coffee or smoke can lead to insomnia. Insomnia can even bea side- effect of particular medications, prescription or otherwise, as well as be triggered by alcohol. Stress And Anxiety also contributes to many sleep disorders and women frequently experience insomnia during pregnancy or menopause.
If you have any signs and symptoms of insomnia you can of course request professional help but, before you visit a physician, you we can first try to help yourself by looking at your sleep hygiene. Basically this means adjusting the behavioral and environmental factors that precede sleep and which might interfere with it. For example, if you are a devoted coffee drinker try and reduce your consumption. It's also wise to take a look at controlling your daily diet and sleeping habits. Foods and beverages which are full of caffeine and sugars can be a culprit. For anybody who is a " night owl" who likes to indulge in excessive drinking and partying, or merely likes to stay up late, your system may become used to late nights and cannot sleep during regular hours. Anxiety and stress can have a marked effect on your regular sleeping routines. We would implore you to get involved in some form of exercise routine, as performing exercises and outdoor activities are proven to help reduce stress and anxiety and lead to much better sleep through the night. Lastly, for those who have a proclivity toward alcohol, you should attempt to limit your consumption as best you can, not only for your insomnia, but also for your overall well- being.
With Any Luck changing your behavior will have the desired effect but, if it doesn't, then you ought to consult your physician or other health professional. And don't forget that, in addition to traditional treatment, there are a range of other solutions you can try like meditation, hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.
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Discover much more about insomnia, including conditions like fatal familial insomnia and pregnancy insomnia , and learn how to lower its effects significantly.