Getting online to find a business card design yourself can certainly be tedious. The most effective ways to do it is find a reasonably priced designer, pick the variety of business card you want, and then have him or her set it up to your specifications. Now you have to decide what type of business card you're going to want. A couple of the more contrasting options for your business cards are "Frosted" and "traditional".
To start with you will find the traditional style business cards, which are good for certain traditional industries. If you're a banker, or a finance manager, or any sort of really professional and serious career, a regular and premium quality business card would be good.
If you are in a more contemporary industry, however, you'll want to use a more contemporary business card to. The most effective options that you can get is a frosted business card, which is smooth on one side and "frosted" on the other. It's a sort of bumpy, snowy texture that really stands out and makes people do a double take when they see it.
My suggestion would be to choose a frosted business card if you are brave, because you can get some really amazing designs on this kind of card.
So at the end of the day, while your industry will demand you to have a certain type of business card, you don't always have to go with the norm. Frosted business cards are more of a new type of concept to most people, but you are starting to see them progressively more. Imagine walking into work next week, or into the next conference with one of the nicest business cards in the whole room? It's really a subtle but good feeling, especially for those with egos. And we all know none of us in business have an ego right?
The single most amazing frosted business cards I've come across had blue, green and orange all infused in different spots along the frosted cover. It ended up making hawaiian isle scene, and it was a business card for a travel agent. It's one that I still have to this day, and have shown to dozen people hanging around my office. It is just that cool, and I'm sure he has gotten business by using their memorable card many times!