Every day you will be met with unpredictable situations in your business that you have to handle. But there comes a time when you just can't find the solution and, when that happens, you need to search inside yourself.
Indeed, each one of us has issues in our lives where there is room for improvement. Even so, dedicating oneself to a program of self-improvement takes a lot of courage and ambition. There are few things more difficult than admitting that you have issues in your life that need to be changed - behaviors, bad habits, beliefs left over from your childhood, etc. It takes courage to identify these areas and make the changes. Be that as it may, your goal for business success includes doing whatever actions it takes - morally and ethically - to turn your obstacles into goals and manifest your dreams.
Don't lock yourself in to just doing what you feel comfortable with, even if this has always been your modus operandi. In order to be successful, you have to move forward and learn to do different things that might not be comfortable at first. A comfort zone is pleasant, but you have to overcome your difficulty operating outside your normal routines. This is not a problem just limited to you. Almost everyone experiences this discomfort from time to time. Honestly realize that you are going to have to face, and overcome, different scenarios that will not be normal for you. If you really give it some thought, you will be able to identify your anxiety triggers and comfort areas. So perhaps the easiest way to work on this is to take baby steps. The secret is to start with something that is somewhat difficult, but not too threatening. Keep trying until you have successfully completed the first hurdle and then progress to the next one with more confidence.
More people than you can imagine have a problem being realistic about what they are really like. No one likes to think that they might have behavior patterns that are negative. It's perfectly natural, and more comfortable, to just become oblivious to our own faults. Avoidance, or ignoring our behavior, isn't the solution. We need to recognize our short-comings. This behavior, of course, is not easy to get rid of. This provides an ongoing temporary solution; however, it is obvious that this only prolongs the issues. This is a common reaction to the things we don't want to face and most people are guilty of this. The pay-off for just facing up to the things you are hiding - even from yourself - will be worth the trouble.
It is always a good point where you start hiring freelancers for various tasks. But avoid being the kind of manager that is too controlling and engages in micromanaging. But then again maybe that is just an extension of how you naturally are to begin with. This is the type of thing that may cause problems with people being able to perform at their best. You will never overcome or modify something that hurts your business until you realize it and accept it. Obviously, if you can do something to resolve this, or lessen it, then you will be ahead of the game. You will realize how much more your help can get done when they are not stressed out because of you. All people on this earth can make their lives better through self improvement, but very few stick with it if they begin. You can find all kinds of helpful information on just about any topic, and remember it takes dedication.