There is much that you can and should do to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Tooth decay is the result of a build up of plaque on the surface of the teeth. Plaque comprises a coating of saliva that hosts bacteria. The bacteria in turn create an acid that causes the enamel to decay. The plaque is also responsible for the two common gum diseases, gingivitis and periodontitis. However, proper dental hygiene can prevent the formation of plaque.
Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth ideally after every time you eat but a minimum of twice a day, morning and night. You should use a soft bristle brush and replace it every three to four months. You should also choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. And you need to floss every time you brush. Follow the brushing and flossing with a mouthwash. If you use a fluoride mouthwash it can help prevent tooth decay. An antiseptic mouthwash will kill some bacteria. You also need to schedule a visit to the dentist every six months for professional cleaning and a routine examination.
Everyone should be aware of some common dental problems and be on the lookout for their symptoms. A common gum disease is gingivitis. It is an inflammation of the gums and is primarily caused by a build up of plaque on the surfaces of the teeth. Gingivitis, if left untreated, leads to periodontitis. Periodontitis destroys the bones and ligaments that support the teeth. In its early stages gingivitis exhibits no symptoms. But as it advances, the gums become swollen, painful and bleed. Plus halitosis (bad breath) is also present. Periodontitis has all the symptoms of gingivitis but teeth may also be loose and abscesses may form in the pockets between the gums and a tooth.
Gingivitis can be treated by scaling, a process in which the build up of plaque and tartar is removed from each tooth. Periodontitis is not as easy to treat however. Scaling and planing are done to remove the calcified deposits from the roots of the teeth. But if deep pockets have formed, the dentist may not be able to clean as deeply as required and surgery may be needed. The surgery involves cutting the gum to expose the roots and bone. The root is then cleaned and sometimes the bone is reshaped. Then the gum is sewn back up,
A dental abscess is another problem that involves a pouch of infected tissue either between the teeth and gums or at the root of a tooth. If the abscess is between the teeth and gums it is called a periodontal abscess. If it is located at the root of the tooth it is called a tooth abscess. Dental abscesses are exceedingly painful and since an infection is involved you may have a fever. Dental abscesses are treated by cleaning out the infected pockets. However, you may need to take antibiotics for the infection prior to any dental procedures. A root canal may be needed in the case of a tooth abscess. And sometimes a tooth may need to be extracted.