Do you have feelings of being unwanted? Do you suffer from any kind of addictions? Are you the one getting bullied or being victimized for an unknown reason? Do you suffer from temper issues? Are your relationships good? Do you feel you are lacking something even when you seem to have it all? You may not even have heard of the term 'Regression Therapy'.
If you find you are suffering from any of these problems and you have used every possibly cure you can think of solving them but they keep reoccurring, then read on through the rest of this article because it may have never occurred to you to attempt Regression Therapy which could effectively make these problems go away.
Regression Therapy requires you to face up to your present day problems by looking at problems you experienced in a previous life. It's a type of therapy using hypnosis that involves the patient being helped by the therapist to go back to their past life experiences while his mind is still in the conscious state.
Regression Therapy is another name for 'Past Life Regression' takes this a step up, taking clients back in time, before conception; back to a time before their previous life, to heal both physically and emotionally in a positive way
It is however possible with past life regression therapy to go back further than this prenatal stage, and help the client to remember lives they had in the past.
There are many who cannot accept it, simply because the thought of existing in some previous life is just strange. The thing is though, there is actually proof that past lives are indeed a reality. While this might sometimes be discounted, there is an excess of evidence related to the topic which must be pursued.
In some cases people have even talked about being soldiers in wars; an official of some kind in a foreign land; some have even reported on being hunting for prey in the Stone Age with another person who winds up actually being their partner in present day.
People can verify information about things that they remembered during their past life therapy session. You can verify this information from old parish records etc. .Psychology professionals have developed and used this therapy since the 1950's.
Startling reports around the world, have children accurately remembering their recent past lives and actually meeting people they were related in their past life.
It truly assist us in this present life if we understand what occurred to us in those past times, because this affects how we look, get maximum understanding of ourselves and any perspective patterns.
Regression therapists have a term called 'Faulty Thoughts'.Negative thoughts the individual created in the previous life and carrying emotional problems into the present life. This certainly explains the phase 'what goes around, comes around.'
Only the individual that created the negative thoughts or feelings can chase those thoughts or feelings away so that he can reform his field of energy into positive energy. A few ways to do this are: re-patterning, forgiveness, and karmic repayment.
Forgiveness is about the scripture from the bible that says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Karmic repayment is based on the word karma (this neither bad or good; it is just what our mind is muttering that we should do because of previous actions we have done), is improving your behavior that is negative for the purpose of repaying them.
By going through these methods of correction, we can re-pattern the energy fields that surround us by rewriting them into harmony, care, tranquility and gentleness.
Although sometimes tiring, Regression Therapy is said to be life changing. Most clients say this procedure resulted as a positive attitude, renewed outlook of life and becoming a stronger person.
In order to achieve this, however, a client must have a strong commitment to learning more about their inner selves and be willing to change the way they thought their life would be.
Regression therapy offers a truly unique way of looking at the human mind and personality and whether to help with problems you may be having or to satisfy your curiosity about past lives, it is something worthy of your consideration.
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