The Slight Edge is a brilliant book written by Jeff Olson – Buy It!. As I read the book - which examines the differences between success and failure and attempts to explain why some people are successful and other not – I realised that every chapter in the book reflected what we teach our clients on a daily basis.
It also revealed to me the reasons why so many people become frustrated with change and why so many of them revert to form.
The second chapter of the book is called “the Secret of Easy Things”. My understanding of this was that for things to change on a grand scale for people, either in business or on a personal level, small easy actions can be taken each and every day.
If you want to change any aspect of your life or business, it does not require an initial massive piece of action. It may only require a small change or even simpler still, it may just require a decision.
Today, more than ever though, people seem to be caught in a state of apathy or fear, unable to make even the smallest change?
Probably because the fear of change is greater than the risk or consequence of no change.
Many business owner fear that all change will either destroy or ruin their business overnight. Thats not normally how change works - its much more subtle and thats why you need to be aware and in control all the time.
Many small business owners allow their destiny to be shaped by external influences and fail to provide leadership because “they are travelling in convoy” – This just will not cut the mustard any more and more and more small business owners realise this.
We stress to our clients that by setting clear and concise goals for the business, both long and short term, it is possible to identify the different tasks that need to be achieved to deliver on these goals. In the same vein, it is possible to identify the simple easy steps that must be taken each and every day of the business.
Without the clearly defined goals for the business, the blaming starts, the excuses starts and the past to doing nothing, the path of least resistance takes over and ingrains itself into the core of the business.
Start with the simple small steps and keep going. Stay Going, Don’t give up. Ever…
If you own a small business, either offline or online, do you know what small and easy steps that you need to take in your business, in your life to make a huge difference to you. Are you prepared to venture down this long and winding road?
Author Resource:
click here to find more ways in which you can ensure the success of your small business venture before you lose any money. Derek O'Dwyer is a business growth specialist working with business owners who want to take the next step with their business.
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Author Resource:-> click here to find more ways in which you can ensure the success of your small business venture before you lose any money. Derek O'Dwyer is a business growth specialist working with business owners who want to take the next step with their business.