What Is This Condition?
This is just one of the various forms of social anxiety disorders. People who have this condition cannot urinate whenever they know that people are around. For instance, if they are in a restroom and there are other people, they cannot urinate. Sometimes, they imagine that there are other people in the room and this also prevents them from urinating.
You really have to remember that not everyone who has this embarrassment episode is diagnosed with this condition. Single episodes of embarrassment are not included. These people will only urinate if they are alone at home or if they use a catheter. If they confirm the presence of other people then they cannot urinate anymore.
There are many present treatment options when it comes to curing shy bladder. But it is crucial to have yourself checked by a doctor first before you undergo any of these treatments. You might not be suffering from shy bladder after all. The doctor should be the only person who can confirm if you have it or not. The doctor can also give you expert advice on treatment options.
There are simple ways to overcome this just like joining support groups. There are plenty of support groups these days for this condition. It would really be a huge help to a patient to know that there are other people with this condition. It is also a great feeling to have support from those who also have this condition.
Some people prefer to see a psychiatrist or a psychologist. This may cost you a lot of money but there are people who are comfortable in this treatment process. Some patients also prefer to get medications from their doctor. Just be sure that you do not buy any medication that you do not need.
It is a fact that there are individuals that succumb to their fears.One of which is paruresis. It is a kind of phobia wherein an affected person is unable to urinate in places that have many people such as in public comfort rooms.This is a very disturbing behavior and may be detrimental to your health, physically and mentally. This is sometimes called a shy bladder or bashful bladder syndrome as these affects the bladder of the sufferer. Therefore, you must find a good paruresis help from experts in the treatment of this condition.There are many ways where to get bashful bladder help which can make a person be cured from this kind of fear.
Persons affected by shy bladder condition have difficulty in urinating when there other people around. Oftentimes, they do not know that they have this condition and in turn do not seek medical help.Also, it is best that the family of the "sick" person must be there to lend a hand to provide paruresis help treatments.
A person suffering from paruresis experiences much difficulty and pain and that it may lead to deterioration of his health, mentally or physically.
. Become a social outcast. As individuals exhibiting symptoms of a bashful bladder have difficulties in urinating in comfort rooms with other people, they tend to shy away from social events. This may also prevent them from traveling places.
. Feel discomfort during physical examinations. Most companies require their employees to undergo an annual physical examination. Even when applying for a job, sometimes companies ask an urine tests in order to hire an individual. Thus a person with this condition may not be able to undergo such a test and may opt to stay home.
. Feeling downtrodden and low self-esteem. People affected with this psychological anomaly are unable to "release" when around with people thus they may feel embarrassed and shy away from people.
If you are suffering from this condition or knows someone who does, then it is high time to seek professional paruresis help. The cure for this condition cannot easily be done thorough medications alone. Therefore seek a treatment that targets the inner workings of the mind such as fear in order for the patient to let go of this fear.
Finding help in treating bashful bladder syndrome should be a priority if you are suffering from one. This is because there are different kinds of treatment being offered in the internet and in the medical fields.