Online auctions are all the rage. People want to save money and online auctions often allow you to pay pennies on the dollar for the hottest items. So how do you know how one online auction site differs from another? Is there a difference? There definitely is and you are about to learn all you need to know about online auctions.
Auctions That Have Been Around For A While
Some people choose online auctions sites just because of the popular name. With popular sites such as ebay, this can be a mistake. These sites may be well known but have their share of problems. Over time they have raised fees for sellers and have had more than enough dissatisfied customers to make you think twice.
With these online auctions you run a risk. The sellers must be closely monitored to ensure that you get what you pay for and do so in a timely manner. Maintaining the highest standards for an online auction site takes a lot of work and sometimes the quality slips when a site is so popular that they know people will keep coming back whether they get the best service and the best deals or not.
Advantages Of Exceet Online Auctions
Exceet online auctions, like other online auctions, are thrilling and fast paced but unlike other online auctions they:
* benefit from a real time clock. Instead of having to constantly refresh the web page, you can watch your online auction bids as time passes and monitor your progress.
* You only pay for your Bids. There is no purchase price or shipping cost. All the sale prices and shipping is free! And you can even earn the Points to bid by simply surfing the site or filling in a survey or two. So you can win a flat screen TV paying no cash at all...only a bit of your time.
* Have a renewing countdown clock. Each Bid increases the countdown clock by 30 or 60 seconds and if the clock counts back to zero before someone else bids you’re the winner.
* Meeting the Reserve reduces the clock to 60 seconds. An Exceet Reserve represents a certain number of Bids rather than an individual bid amount. If an auction has a reserve on it and your bid hits the required number of Bids in the Reserve, even if there are 2 days left on the clock, for example, the clock will immediately reduce to 60 seconds. That means you’re 60 seconds away from winning the product.
* Repay all your bids if a reserve is not met. So if you bid on a reserve auction, but the reserve is not met before the countdown reaches zero all your bids are repaid.
This site also allows you to get in on the ground floor and get amazing deals because not as many people know about Exceet online auctions. In time they will, but right now you have an amazing opportunity.
Online auctions are your chance to save money if you go to the right website. Do you want to choose a site because the name is famous or because you will save money on all types of items? Exceet online auctions keep the sellers and buyers happy while selling, bidding, and saving.
Author Resource:
Emlyn Scott is the founder of Exceet, a company focused on entertaining and rewarding people for their input and loyalty. Exceet consists of a paid social networking community, paid surveys and exciting auctions where we reward users for their loyalty.