Any Internet marketer who's looking out to boost his/her online business with a low cost and effective promotional method should try writing and distributing a press release. What is also so attractive about them is they get you fast results with your niche audience. So due to those facts, we have assembled this press release guideline exclusively for your benefit and study.
If you want to get the best results with your release, then figure out what you want to do with it before writing it. Think of press releases as a vehicle by which you tell your market and the media about something new that people would want to know. One thing a professionally written press release will contain is solid organization as it pertains to your facts, etc. As you know, all newspapers are aware that their news stories must stick to the relevant facts. Be very sure about what you say and how you say it simply because of the factually oriented approach. How far you deviate from that general principle is up to you, but a serious press release will never deviate at all from it.
How about those headlines, do you think you also must have one, too? All press releases should have a headline, and in fact they are part of the standard format. We are not sure why you would not want to write a headline since they are an important part of a press release. What you will find is that a solid press release is only about three paragraphs long. You could use a subheading, but we suggest to use them in a very limited fashion. Any subheads, though, need to be in bold letters but not the typical H1 HTML tags. Write your headline so people automatically know what your release is all about. Any time you write a headline, it has to be carefully considered in order for it to do its intended job.
When it comes down to dating your press release, make sure you do it at the start so that the journalist is able to see how old/new the story actually is. When you do this, you will see that your contact details plus business location are essential parts, as well. Don't forget to include your contact information at the top of your press release, which would be helpful particularly when somebody wants to schedule an interview or requires more details. At the very least, provide a valid email address if you are not comfortable with giving out your phone number. There is nothing difficult about learning how to write powerful press releases that will do for you what you hoped they would.