There are lots of definition for the term affiliate marketing. Though all popular and available description of affiliate marketing are pointing towards the same thing. Some people see affiliate marketing as just an ordinary business that people do online at home every day. Affiliate marketing has been able to meet people’s need. It provides income for people and some have even replaced their full time jobs with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is made possible through the effort of both the affiliate and the merchants. Affiliate marketing cost less to see. It also gives real profits to both the merchants and the affiliates. For new affiliates, they might not understand what it is and how it really works for effective profits. In fact, they could make mistakes that could cost them money, I mean large money.
Many people see affiliate market as a way of selling products or services only. Yes, this is one of the major things about it. Also, it is about providing a service of products that people need. So, advertising is also part of affiliate marketing. Advertising and selling move towards the same goal. That is ability to meet people’s need. So advertising is very necessary also.
Every affiliate receives compensation. Most of the time, it is financially. Most of the time, the affiliate receives compensation only from the visitor that buys from the site through his/ her link. Also, sometimes, for every person an affiliate sends to the site through his/her link whether the visitor buys or not, the affiliate receives competition. One thing is very certain, before there can be affiliate marketing, two thins, if you like call them two bodies, most be put in place. These are the merchant and the affiliate. Each of these bodies performs his responsibility. Also, they are depending on each other for the necessary work. The affiliate network act as an intermediary between the merchant and the affiliate that is selling the product. The affiliate network performs the following functions.
1.It helps to provide the technology needed for delivering the campaign of the merchant and his offers.
2.It helps the merchant in paying the affiliate.
3.Affiliate network also helps to keep records of sells made and completed . They will also help to keep records of all sales and the transactions completed. Who is this affiliate network? He his the website owner. He completed the customer service and transactions. Also it is his responsibility to make the products available. The merchant has many benefits.
The affiliate can also be a website owner as the merchant. So some affiliates have their websites also to help them in their marketing efforts. Their sites sends customers or visitors to the website of the merchants. Some affiliates, if not many even engage in pay per click campaign that google introduced.
Affiliate marketing helps to generate income for the affiliate, even it gives full time income to some as much as they know what it involves. It is very good when you know how it works. It brings benefits to everybody that is involved in it. So if you are still thinking of how to make money online, maybe its about time you go into this wealth spinning online business.