Getting a book published can be the best experience or the worst, depending on the kind of printer you choose. There are those authors who want to save a lot of money and in the quest to save money will compromise on the quality of the printer they choose. There are those others whose quest for good quality printers causes them to spend a lot more than they expected. Overall, you should never compromise on the quality your printers offer and here are some of the things you need to find out from your printer before he starts printing for you.
Signature per count; ensure that you have the number of signature per count when you ask for information from the printer. This will help you increase or reduce the number of pages you want printed to adhere to the signature per count of the printer. Usually, when the number of pages you want printed is a multiple of the signature per count of your printer, you will have the cheapest printing price of that printer.
You want to make sure you are aware of the price per quantity, since printers are cheaper if one orders more copies. Printers are more expensive if you are ordering fewer copies, especially if you are ordering less than 1000 copies. You need to compare the prices of different printers and decide for yourself. You also want to know the quality of paper that will be used for printing, since this will also determine how much money you will use in the long run. Be sure not to compromise too much on the quality of the paper, since your books will not be any better.
Ensure that you are aware of the printing prices of your printer. Digital printing presses are more expensive and for anyone who wants a cheaper price, you may want to avoid them since the quality is not any different from a printing press. There are two main types of machines in a traditional printing press, sheet-fed or a web press printer. All these types of machines may have different signature per counts, and this is the reason you need to know the different signature per counts of the machines.
Last but not least you want to find out from your printer if they offer any discounts. Sometimes, you may be offered a discount if you make an order at a certain time of the year. This will go a long way in determining how good your discount will be. Ensure that you ask for a discount if you want to.
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More information about book printing , please visit Marcel Miller's site: brochure printing