Freelancing is often the bread and butter of a good graphic design artist. If you are interested in working from home as a graphic designer, here are some tips to get started. You are not alone in the world of freelance graphic design. Freelancing as a graphic designer has become common in this field. In fact, according to some recent studies, over one third of full time and part time graphic designers take on at least some amount of freelance work.
Why are there so many freelance graphic designers? The main reason why many graphic designers work from home is that many companies do not need a full time graphic designer. Instead of keeping an on site graphic designer, many companies will hire designers on a freelance or telecommute/part time basis.
What are the advantages of working from home as a graphic designer? There are many advantages, including the fact you are your own boss. You can select with whom to work and you can develop your own schedule. You can bill your jobs independently, and you can work from the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas if you choose. However, there are also some disadvantages to freelancing from home. First of all, there s no art director to help you make important design decisions. If a process doesn t work, or a project fails, you are the one to blame.
Second, you have to work directly with clients. Many freelance graphic designers dislike the business side of freelancing because it clashes with the creative side of the business. Of course, another disadvantage is that you receive no company benefits. You have no one to pay you for vacation time, help your pension fund grow, or provide health benefits. When you get sick, there s no one to take your place. Finally, as a freelance graphic designer, you are responsible for the business operating costs. Business equipment, like phones, fax and computers, are all up to you.
One thing that many potential freelance graphic designers fail to take into account is if you are temperamentally suited for freelance graphic design. Some designers enjoy the freedom and solitude of freelancing. But to other designers, the free flowing nature of the work can seem scary, as there is no regular paycheck. Also, more social people may not enjoy working from home alone. Make sure you feel comfortable with working from home before you freelance full time.
Let s say you have decided that freelance work is right up your alley. In this case, you will have to set up your practice and learn the basics of the freelance business. First, think of working from home as a graphic designer as a real business. Find a room in your home where you can work undisturbed. Of course, you will need to have access to all the necessary equipment. If you can afford it, hire a good accountant. A good accountant will advise you on business matters and help you open the right banking and savings accounts. Avoid using your own personal account to run the business. It can become a nightmare later when you try to disentangle personal accounts from business accounts. Keep things simple by keeping your business and personal expenses separate. This will also make it a lot easier when you need to file your taxes.
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Visit Brian Scott's website, and learn about freelance graphic design and how to make money as a graphic designer.