It is quite untrue that everything has already been put in print. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use, the whole universe has changed. Technology has changed, ideas have changed, and the mindsets of entire nations have changed.
That means you're at exactly the right time in life to create an ebook. What is needed in the publishing world are people who can tap in today's world - innovated thinkers who can go forward and solve old problems in new ways. Ebooks are a recent and useful way for those who think outside the box to write and send information to a large mass of people who are trying to learn how to do a variety of things.
So, for example, say you already have a fantastic idea with the information to support it, enough for you to create an amazing ebook. You may be sitting at your computer staring at a blank screen wondering, "Why should I go through all the trouble of writing my ebook when it's so impossible to get anything published these days?"
Believe me, publishing a book and print and publishing an ebook are worlds apart. Let us take a look at the details relating to the print and cyber publishing industry and how they differ, and the many positive reasons why you should have a go.
Trying to go through traditional publishing channels is like being permanently stuck on the rack. No matter how good your book actually is, or how many critique services and mentor writers have told you that "you've got what it takes," your submitted manuscript keeps coming back to you as if it is a boomerang instead of a valuable mine of information.
Perhaps, in desperation, you've checked out self-publishing and found out just how expensive a venture it can be. Most "vanity presses" require minimal print runs of at least 500 copies, and even that amount will cost you thousands of dollars. There are some presses out there that start their runs at 1,000 to 2,000 minimal copies. These costs represent just the printing and binding. When you add it all up; shipping, promotional costs and distribution, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. Even if you wanted to go this route, you may not have that kind of money to risk.
Let's assume that you run an online business that has a great website and offers a high quality product. An ebook is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business while educating people with the knowledge you already possess as a business owner of a specific product or service.
For instance, maybe you've been growing bonsai trees for the past quarter century and are now set to share everything that you've learned. An ebook is the ideal method to reach the biggest bonsai fan audience.
You can accomplish the task of marketing your business as well as being recognized as a professional in your field. Once you get rolling, you may have enough for your own e-books. Different business can be complex and often require the book to be divided accordingly to enable to the reader to thoroughly enjoy the story.
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