Asthma is a medical condition that strikes at an extremely large portion of the earth's population. You will discover a large number of variables that cause the signs to be highly varied. Needless to say you would want to find out if something peculiar could be an indication. It is intriguing because it is realistic to not have any difficulties for extended periods of time. However, for some obscure reason unknown to you, it causes a difficulty out of thin air. Those are the times that you are having a legitimate asthma encounter, and the severity can vary. The other side of that are persons who live with real asthma problems continuously. Certainly other asthmatics will have issues when they exercise or normally induce physical stress.
What is usually far more common is what is thought as a moderate asthma attack. A mild attack can take place, and then all is back to regular breathing in a very short time. A mild form of asthma is always something to be taken seriously and treated. These less severe conditions still should be dealt with so they do not become more serious. Severe attacks are far more serious and should be taken care of right away.
You will find that asthmatics, generally, have a a range of clues that tend to be the same. The air passages will begin to constrict, or tighten, and they will also become inflamed. At that time, there is excessive mucus that will create in the passages. That is when the very common symptoms show up with having problems breathing in addition to the common wheezing that is encountered. One common consequence is for the person with asthma to cough too much. A chest that seems more pressure together with a tight sensation is normal in those times.
Another consequence involves the symptoms, and they can transform a lot from one person to yet another. What exact problems that can result will never be the same for every person, though. A person could encounter any number of the usual symptoms or conceivably just some of them. Also, the symptoms can be more or less at different times throughout different asthma attacks. A lot of people are highly variable and can experience episodes from quite severe to mild attacks. As you can easily clearly see, there is just a wide variety of indicators expressed.
Of course there are signs that asthma trouble is on the way. These signs are often not the normal signs of asthma, though, and they can vary as well. A person can have problems with coughing a lot right after they go to sleep. A person might have variable moods with irritability or even a little bit of a hard time with breathing. The complete extent of the problem is far and wide with many specifics and special circumstances. A doctor should always be seen if a person experiences chronic difficulties that could indicate asthma.