You may think that lighting a Cuban cigar could be as easy as it sounds, but you would be thinking wrong. It is true that anybody can light a Cuban cigar, but to light it in a way that preserves its flavor is a tricky business and may require knowing a thing or two about the process. Smokers who enjoy every Cuban cigar that they smoke should follow these tips to better enjoy their experience.
Before you light your Cuban cigar, you should heat its “foot” or end for sometime. As you keep heating it slowly on a fire, you will see that a black ring is forming on the foot. You must make sure that the Cuban cigar does not contact the fire at any point of time; the fire should just be close enough to warm the Cuban cigar until the black ring formation on the end is complete.
Wooden matches should be used to light a Cuban cigar and cedar matches are ideal for lighting the Cuban cigar as they do not meddle with the aroma when you use them. Although cedar matches would be perfect, you can also use a lighter if you must, to light your smoke. If you must use a lighter, make sure that it is butane lighter at least, because butane lighters do not leave any strong smell when you light your Cuban cigar with it. This makes sure that you do not lose out on the unadulterated flavor of the Cuban cigar.
Now that you have prepared your Cuban cigar well enough to be lit, you must actually light it and this is a tricky business as well. The Cuban cigar must be in your mouth as you light the wooden match or the butane lighter, but it should not touch the actual fire at any time. When the Cuban cigar is at an inch or less from the fire, start to draw in calmly. With you drawing in from so close to the flame, the Cuban cigar should light up soon, but now you must rotate it. The rotation is necessary to make sure that the Cuban cigar catches the fire equally through out.
Although you will rotate the Cuban cigar to make sure the burn is even, there is a chance that the burn may not still be even. After you have lit your Cuban cigar, take a look at it to ensure this. If you find the Cuban cigar to have unlit portions, blow on the lit part of the Cuban cigar a few times to evenly distribute the fire. Take a few puffs from the Cuban cigar now to complete the lighting procedure evenly and adequately.
These instructions are simple to follow and apply, but once applied and followed carefully, you will find your Cuban cigar smoking experience to be quite different from the other days cigar smoking and the difference will be in all likeliness will be a better one if not memorable.
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Gary Cigaros is an author writing about cigar related topics, and you are invited to visit his website covering number of aspects about Cuban cigars & cigar accessories. Http://