With winter overpowering you in full glare, cold seems to be affecting most people in the US. If you have caught cold, you are likely to have been prescribed vitamin-C by your doctor for speedy recovery from cold. Remember everyone around you keeps talking about it being the best cold remedy? Is Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) only good for cold?
The fact is the medical researchers have taken a fresh look at vit. C and have discovered scores of new ways it can help you stay fit and look younger than ever! In fact, you must have come across a lot of people who take daily vitamin C supplements. What are those super benefits of vit. C? Here's the newest on what Vitamin C can really do for you.
Turn the clock backwards and prevent wrinkles with vitamin C, an antioxidant (we'll get to more on 'antioxidant' part in a bit). It has been scientifically established that people who intake foods loaded with vitamin C have lesser wrinkles compared to those people who have trace amounts of this wonder vitamin.
So let's quickly glance through how Vit. C works as an asset to our bodies.
Vitamin C is a vital nutrient necessary for the body for the growth of scar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants that your body needs to fight against the free radicals that can harm your body if they are not tackled. In the currently faced paced, stress-filled life, your body is exposed to various toxins and chemicals that have the tendency to increase the level of free radicals in your body. When the level of free radicals in your body increases, it can cause health problems including heart diseases, cancer, premature aging, etc. Well, this article is not meant to alarm you with these frightening facts. Instead, the intention is to help you adopt a healthy lifestyle with vitamin C as part of your diet.
Besides, keeping your heart healthy, Vit. C is your guard against a whole bunch of conditions such as dry and split hair; inflammation of the gums; rough, dry, scaly skin; nosebleeds, etc. Moreover, it helps in accelerating wound-healing rate and strengthening your body's resistance to catch infection. It also prevents scurvy.
As you probably already know, eating vitamin C supplements on a regular basis reduces the duration of common cold. Whenever cold hits you, it is compelled to leave your body sooner, thanks to Vitamin C. Citrus are a good source of vitamin C. Foods rich with vitamin-C include Red and Green Hot Chili Peppers, lemons, Guavas, Bell Peppers, Fresh Herbs, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Papayas, Oranges, etc.
Just have foods rich with vitamin-C and advisably a multivitamin every day and you should be good to fight against all the free radicals, be cold-free, stay healthy and look younger than ever. The present Recommended Daily Dosage for vitamin C is 60mg.
Author Resource:
Ara Hovsepian uses vitamin C supplements to stay healthy. And he looks young and fit, thanks to Vitamin C. For more information on Vitamin C and foods rich with vitamin-C , visit www.about-vitaminc.com .