Making money with blogs is not that hard when you possess traffic, but if you don't have any visitors coming to your blog it might be near impossible. People are frequently trying to find new strategies of getting more blog site visitors. The biggest problem with this sort of trial and error is that they scarcely work and people never consider what has been proven to deliver the results. The convenience of a "share this" button on your blog posts can make a great difference. And exactly how this little addition can easily end up driving sizeable amounts of traffic.
The basics of this type of button are very uncomplicated, if someone likes what you wrote they can share it with some other people. Many of you have even possibly seen these buttons on various other peoples blogs. This is one way for the visitors of that blog to inform their friends about a post that might interest them.
While you can find buttons that will allow you to post to twitter and even facebook you will want to find a button that has a number of sites listed. Simply by just having one button that merely allows your visitors to post to a single social networking site can give you a tiny boost but you will want more. For this reason you want to get a "share this" button which will allow your visitors to share this post on a variety of social networking sites at once. Or at the very least give them the option to choose between sites. You will need to always remember that everyone on the Internet is different and belong to different social networking sites so you really don't want to limit their options.
Wordpress end users have it easy because there have been many plugins made to allow for a straightforward "share this" button to be added. Again when looking for these plugins and "share this" buttons, choose the ones which allow multiple social website submissions. In the long run you want a plugin which includes most social networking sites.
Here I am going to provide you with an example of exactly what can take place when you have this button added. Let's assume you have just one visitor to your site on a specific day and they liked the post so they chose to share the post with all of their friends on facebook. They make use of the "share this" button and presto, they just touted your post to 50 of their friends. If only 8 of those people went to your blog and really enjoyed your post you just received 8 more visitors. Now lets just say that out of the people that stopped by because an individual shared it with them that three of those people decided to share the posting with other friends on several other social sites. And by those 3 people sharing, this post may possibly now be suggested to another 150 people. After that 20 of those people who just received the message decided to drop by and read what you had to say and then 50 percent of them decided to share with many other friends and family members that they think will enjoy the article. Keep doing the math if you wish, but one good post along with a "share this" button can really turn in to a load of traffic.
By basically adding a small little plugin like this you can easily start getting a lot more visitors. And along with the law of averages, more traffic equates to more capital.
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