Are you interested in becoming successful graphic designer or graphic artist with a strong, limitless client base? Whether you are principal of your own small design firm, or you freelance part time or full time as graphic designer, your main goal should be to create a strong and steady base of clients. Here are some tips to build and maintain a strong client base as a new designer.
I. Use your school connections.
If you have recently graduated or you are about to graduate from graphic design school, then take advantage of the many networking connections that are available to you. Ask faculty about their advice on how to get new clients. Ask one or more of your instructors for a recommendation. Being recommended by a well respected faculty member is effective to get a job in graphic design. A recommendation is a reflection of your instructor and your school, so make sure you choose carefully someone who can genuinely recommend you.
If your school has a career counseling and job placement service, then take advantage of these services. Many colleges have a list of potential employers who are seeking graphic designers. Your school can give you an idea as to which businesses and clients work with students and graduates from your school. Another great source of potential clients can be school alumni. Many alumni are seek to hire people from their school, so take advantage of this connection when seeking new clients.
II. Setting up your own graphic design practice.
Let s say you have decided to freelance as a graphic designer. Okay, so you ll be running your own business, which is exciting as it is complicated. You will need to find a place to work, whether you ll use your home or rented office space. You will need the necessary equipment to do a good job. If possible, people want to find an accountant who can with the financial aspects of running a freelance business. This can include opening your own bank account exclusively for your graphic design freelance work.
III. Put together an advertising kit or portfolio to build your client list.
When you are seeking clients, you should use all of skills you learned during your training as a graphic designer. Even if you do not have former education in graphic design, you should have a solid portfolio to show to potential clients. An advertising kit can include samples of your work. Send off your advertising kit to people and businesses that you think could use a graphic designer. When you send out your advertising kids, you may want to include a short letter stating why you are capable of creating effective design projects for their business. You may even want to put together a small mock up design to show off your skills.
IV. Establish a strong web presence
Even if you are not interested in web design, it is still important to put together a strong web presence if you wish to recruit clients. Establishing your own web site is an easy way to showcase what you can do. Create a digital web portfolio and play up your design skills and abilities. Make it easy for potential clients to reach you.
V. Get to know your clients needs.
Once you start working with clients, you will find that many clients do not know exactly what they want. It can be hard for someone who has no training in graphic design to use the language of this art. Prepare yourself to explain and interpret different design styles and objectives to your clients. You should also prepare yourself with many different examples of your work to show to potential clients.
Author Resource:
Visit Brian Scott's website, and learn about freelance graphic design and how to make money as a graphic designer.