Article marketing simply means a medium or channel through which you advertise the goods (products) and services that your business offers via article publishing. This is not a new innovation, no, it has been in existence for long, even since the era when business owners resorted to mass printing. In earlier time, article marketing took the form of paper and was distributed majorly in only publications that were popular. That is not the case today; it is much easier, thanks to the internet!
The New Face Of Article Marketing:
This entails the writing of articles that somehow relate to an ideal product or service. They are typically short, contain between 400 and 600 words and are aimed at catching the interesting of a potential customer. Care must be taken to make sure that such an article is not boring. It is therefore necessary to remove irrelevant information.
The completed article is then circulated on the internet, using free article websites, also known as article directories. If the article is well written, it would go as far as attracting new potential clients and customers, in turn, expanding your business.
Today, big business like internet marketing and commerce are commonplace. Subsequently, marketing articles online has become another popular form of advertising. Business owners and owners of article directories enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship. While owners of article directories get free contents; business owners are rewarded with free advertising.
This method of marketing may differ from what you used to know about article marketing. Yes, it is so different, when compared with how articles were marketed in former times. Take for instance, search engines. Search engines have brought a revolution to article marketing, by a process called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Search Engine Optimization simply entails the use of certain keywords or phrases, in driving traffic to an article. This makes it possible for individual article writers and companies reach a specific audience, and this ensures that people reading these articles are potential customers or clients.
What Are The Benefits or Article Marketing?
As mentioned earlier, article marketing unlike other forms of advertising, is free. That’s the biggest advantage you’ve got to yourself. But it does not end there. There are many more reasons why article marketing can be very interesting. Well written articles yield an increase in business perception. This means that if your articles are interesting, information and professionally written, your company would be viewed with high regard and esteem.
Some article directories even give the opportunity of managing the advert space on your article’s page. This is of immense benefit to business owners in two ways. Firstly, the individual business owner can make sure that advert competition is completely eliminated. And secondly, it offers the business owner sole control and management over adverts placed on the page. The business owner also manages the income generated as he or she deems fits.
It might interest you to know that article marketing is an easy way to promote your business. Once the completed articles are distributed on the internet, they remain online indefinitely. This increase the amount of traffic generated, at a constant rate, at no extra cost.
With that being said, it is a notable fact that the increase in article marketing has led to a decrease in the quality of articles written. This had led to high cases of plagiarism. Therefore, if you are planning on using article marketing to promote your business, make it your aim to ensure that you write high quality contents that stand out and are unique.