The pitching wedge is tried to get you out of trouble, to sink the shot or set you up for a short putt.
To be effective with the pitching wege, practicing is not all you need to do with it, you additionally need to comprehend how to use it.
Your entire short game is about tempo. In the possibility that you need to pop the ball into the air, you just need to add a little speed to your swing and make sure the clubface is open. wedge shots nearby the green need a little slower swing to get additional control to your shot.
Thusly, tempo is something you need to work on with any of your wedges, combined with a quick swing and a fluent swing around the green.
Traditionally, you need to use a pitching wedge anywhere form 100 yards in to the green. If you need a shot with spin and loft, you need to use a wedge
You also can need to use a sand wedge if you need to clear a steep hill around the green.
The pitching wedge is excellent when you have clear entry to the green with no obstacles in the way.
The fringe of the green or frog hair has it's own set of rules, the grass is just a little longer than the green. You need to practice all your wedges from the fringe. You can putt from the fringe, but it takes time to master the appropriate speed through the longer grass