Life is full of simple pleasures and I'd have to rank a good massage right up there with the best of them. Someone who knows what they're doing is important. but so is having a really good massage oil. Not only can the oil help glide the massager's hands over your muscles, but an essential oil massage oil also has aromatherapy benefits and can take the entire experience to a whole new level. In this article, we're going to use a fabulous massage oil recipe to make your own massage oil right at home.
To begin with, decide on a massage oil base such as sunflower oil, jojoba oil or almond oil. There are several others you can use and you really can't go wrong with any of these as they each are amazing for your skin and create an amazing glide. Sunflower oil is especially high in vitamin E which is essential to the prevention of damage due to UV sunlight. Jojoba oil has antimicrobial properties and can deter the growth of some bacteria and fungal microbes that may assault the skin. It also closely resembles the chemical architecture of the skin's natural sebum which makes it great for sensitive skin individuals. Almond oil doesn't absorb as easily which makes it a good choice for massage oil, since it stays on the surface and glides really well.
Pour 4 oz of your massage oil base into an appropriate container. Always use a glass container or something that sunlight can't easily shine through as direct light will decrease the shelf life of your massage oil. Also, keep in mind that since you're going to likely be pouring this oil into your hand, a pop-cap of some sort is better than a screw-on cap since you may only have one free hand to shut the container with.
Once you're ready, blend in the following essential oils: 24 drops of Sandalwood, 9 drops of Blood Orange, 7 Drops of Patchouli, 3 drops of Ginger and 2 drops of Ylang-Ylang. Use a dropper so you can be precise with the measurements. It's best to use a different dropper for each oil to avoid cross contamination of the essential oils.
Once blended, close the cap and shake the mixture and set it in a cool, darkened room for at least 1 day before using. This will allow the oils to combine fully and strengthen. Once a day has passed, give the bottle a couple of shakes and you're good to go! This massage oil recipe makes for a superb end-of-day massage.
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I have been working with essential oils for years and adore teaching others how to make their own essential oil based products. You can build this and other massage oil recipes using our software app at