Recently, companies have developed a new trend. They are now investing millions into online promotions. And this has brought about stiff competition on the internet, than ever before. Many small scale online business owners are getting desperate and seeking ways on how to drive traffic to their websites. They might easily resort to using online adverts, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and many more. But the truth is that, article marketing still remains the most effective method of advertising. Yes; you heard me, articles.
So let’s deal with the question of what should be written in an average article.
Normally, website owners write articles relating to their individual industries, or field of specialization. We shall use the business of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) as our case study. If you are into such a business, you might want to write an article that enlightens customers; an article that would provide them with a solution to their HVAC issues. After a complete write up, you can submit the articles to 5 star article directories. If you don’t know any, you can try Ezine Articles for now. Your article is subject to review and approval. You will be notified if your article is accepted, and it will be placed on the website. Ezine will provide links to your website too. So when a potential customer comes across your article, he can easily decide to visit your website, by just clicking on the link.
Writing and publishing articles on various directories come with numerous advantages. It is far better than any other forms of promotion you can ever think of. It is cheap; it only requires time and an average writing skill. Whether you are new to article writing, or an expert in the field, your potential customers want to know that you know what you’re doing? If you write and publish enough articles, you will make a name for yourself; an expert on articles. And your site would flourish with lots of visitors.
There are two sides to a book. So article writing is not an all positive affair. It also bears its own disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is articles directories do not tolerate submission of duplicate content. This means that you can’t submit a certain articles on two different article directories. Therefore your articles must be a hundred per cent original, before you decide to submit them. So if you would want to submit articles on various directories, you have to write articles on various topics, and not just one.
Writing dozens of articles, especially on a particular subject, can be quite challenging. Yes, it even poses a challenge to season writers. That is why many online business owners always seek professional writers, to help them. Paying professional writer for their work could be quite expensive, and they might not still write what you wanted or desired.
So do we have a solution this problem?
Recently, numerous website owners are learning the art of transforming their articles into videos in a bid to increase traffic to their web pages. They often start with pre written articles, maybe one of their favorites. The next thing they do is convert this article into a video that is informative and educative. This process of converting articles into videos does not require much expertise. Better yet, you can do well to contact a video service with relative experience in this field.
So what is there to gain from converting your articles into videos?
The answer is crystal clear. Using videos, you can reach a much wider audience than you would with articles. The main advantage is that websites that allow you to share and upload videos tolerate duplicate content. So you are free to post your videos as often as you wish. There is no denying of the fact that people watch videos than read articles. I believe you are very familiar with YouTube. It is the second most visited website on the internet. No matter how popular an article directory may be, it can never compete with the traffic you’ll get when you upload videos.
Author Resource:
Dhruv Patel is a customer of DreamHost. He has created site to help new DreamHost customers and to promote DreamHost by giving DreamHost coupon. You can check his website at