Craigslist PVA are needed to post on the Craigslist classified website. Without the phone verified accounts you won t be able to post ads in the Services section and possibly every other section on the site. The requirement for verified accounts was introduced in an attempt to control the number of posts people were making. As the website has grown in size and popularity over the years, it became a magnet for marketers of all kinds. This is especially true for the USA based version of the classified site. With America being a massive consumer market, it was simply too much for people to resist and they began posting and over posting their ads online. The end result was the need for PVA to post your ads. You must be careful when using your accounts because was they are put on hold there is nothing you can do.
Have you ever had a Craigslist PVA put on hold? Ever logged into your account only to see that you are greeted with a warning message saying that your account is suspended? Most people have experienced this at least once and they are usually left wondering what caused the suspension of their account. Accounts are suspended for a few main reasons. The first is that you posted too many ads with that account. The terms of service clearly state that a PVA should only be used to post an ad once every 48 hours. This literally means one ad every 48 hours. Some people interpret it to mean that they can only post the same ad once every 48 hours and that they can post as many different ads as often as they like. This isn t true. Phone verified accounts are strictly limited to one ad every two days. If you post anymore than this then you run the risk of the account being put on hold. If you value your account then the best thing you can do is not over post or post too often.
The second big killer of verified accounts is your IP. Do you post multiple ads on Craigslist? If you do then the cause of your accounts dying might be the IP you are using. IPs are closely watched on the classified website and if you post with multiple accounts using just the same IP, then there is a very good chance those accounts will eventually be suspended. Why is this? Simply because if the same IP is used to access different accounts, then warning flags are raised on Craigslist s end. They may consider this type of activity to be suspicious and that you may be a potential spammer, even if this isn t true. If you use multiple accounts you will need to use multiple and vastly different IPs. Try disconnecting and reconnecting to the internet.
The two big killers of anyone s Craigslist PVA are the frequency you post ads and the IP used. Verified accounts should only post an ad once every 2 days. Anymore than this is the first step down the road of account suspension. The second killer is that the same IP is used with different accounts. IP activity is monitored so be sure to change your IP wherever possible.