For people who have to do jobs or handle their business in the day, and still want to continue their studies to enhance the worth of their education, ACCA part time courses are a wonderful opportunity. Without affecting your business, jobs or any other types of work you have to do in the day, these ACCA part time courses provide you a great opportunity to continue that work and also complete a few courses and become a high in demand ACCA certified personnel. In this article, we shall analyse in detail the program ACCA, its course and modules, and the effectiveness of these ACCA part time courses to increase one's worth as a professional.
What Is ACCA And What Are These ACCA Part Time Courses?
ACCA, or Association of Certified Chartered Accountants, is a very large international body of accountants, which is fully recognised around the world as an official body of accountants. This association conducts the ACCA full time and ACCA part time program through colleges which teach the ACCA courses to the students. The ACCA course is an all encompassing course which consists of many diverse subjects such as accounting (include cost accounting, bookkeeping, management accounting, financial accounting and auditing), management, finance (financial analysis, mathematics and economics), and business ethics. There are various different modules which consist of different papers of these subjects, and each module has its own difficulty level and set of subjects. A total of 14 papers at least must be given. Papers in the Fundamental (F) group are 9 and are all necessary i.e. there is no choice. 3 of them test knowledge of the test taker regarding teh course and syllabus and 6 of them test the skills of the test taker. Papers in the Professional (P) group are 7, 3 of which are essential, and 2 out of the other 4 need to be taken to complete the course. Both the ACCA full time and ACCA part time students require to clear the same modules and have a three year work experience before they can qualify for the ACCA certificate.
If Courses Are The Same, Then What Is The Difference Between ACCA Full Time And ACCA Part Time?
As mentioned earlier, both ACCA full time and ACCA part time courses intend to impart the same skills among the students and use the same tools (that is, the same syllabus) for this purpose. The examinations for both these groups of students are held at the same time too. The only difference is the time at which the ACCA part time students take these courses at the college. ACCA part time students take these courses in the evenings or at weekends when they are free of their work.This means that for people who do jobs or handle business can still do ACCA but at those colleges which offer ACCA part time courses.
ACCA Full Time Versus ACCA Part Time.
ACCA part time can also be useful for people who do not have jobs or businesses in the day; some people have a natural disposition to study in the evening. Moreover, the flexible timings take off some pressure from the students which may cause them to do well. But the drawback associated with such courses is that they most often come with poorer faculties teaching them than the faculties teaching full time courses. You must take all such factors into view before opting for ACCA full time or ACCA part time.
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