Thinking positive and thinking right are two different things, thinking positive can still get you nowhere although you arrive there being mentally happier and ready to go. Positive thinking is not bad it helps us cope with the day’s events in a manner that most people would find relaxing and laid back. Thinking positive allows ourselves a larger bandwidth of stress we can deal with before we finally crack and succumb to stimulus response.
Thinking positive and acting positive must be used together to create a real harmony of this working relationship. By acting out positive events in your life you are thinking right by thinking positive and not acting positive is just thinking positive, although everyone starts at the beginning so it is a marker to place but it’s not the end.
The beginning is positive thinking but we must branch out further and expand upon what we are looking for in our “Positive Nature”. For positive thinking for many is the hopeful feeling we have that things will work out. For example:
Positive Thinking
“I know I’m going to hit it rich one day”
Right Thinking
“I am wealthy now!”
You attract what you think is plausible in your reality, if you think you can’t be rich or you can’t be healthy then you have just created a reality window that will correspond to what you believe, if you think that you are going to hit it rich one day then you will always be wishing for that opportunity to arise, instead of confirming your belief that you are already wealthy! Wealth is just an X factor, it can be anything health, romance or peace whatever you want really.
Right thinking comes when you accept others for having what you have! But alot of people curse others for having more then them, but that kind of thinking really just curse the cursor! So with that in mind and this quick lesson you now understand the difference between positive thinking and right thinking! So next time you catch yourself thinking positive remember that thinking right gets you what you want. Remember hopeful wishing breeds more hopeful wishing. You must experience the emotions and visuals of having what you think about to achieve that true definition of what “Positive Thinking” should really be about. You must know it’s here and it’s solid and real.
Your mind does not know the difference between what you think and what you actually do and we all know that like attracts like so bring abundance to you now! Because we all have the power to do so, we just get caught up in the real world activities and we let that influence how we manifest our thoughts! So now you know the difference between Positive thinking and Right thinking, now beginning practicing this technique and knowledge and see how practical it really can be with attaining goals and whatever else you desire during this life time.
But the bottom line is, you must know you can have what you want and continue to feel great all the time. It gets easier after you consciously practice feeling good all day!
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Nathan Scheer is a alternative researcher, author, affiliate marketer and blog owner: To view similar information please visit: or check my free marketing tips out ->