If you are serious about finding cheapest car insurance for young drivers then it is imperative that you start your search by comparing different quotes from a handful of reputable car insurance companies. As a young driver you will generally find that rates quoted by most car insurance companies will be on the higher side and so by doing online comparisons you can easily and effectively find a car insurance company that offers the cheapest insurance plan for young drivers.
There are fortunately a number of good car insurance companies that are at present offering cheapest car insurance for young drivers and this is possible even though young drivers are considered as high risk customers. The key to finding the cheapest car insurance plan for a young driver is learning to locate the companies that offer such plans. This in turn means understanding the reasons why some companies offer lower rates for young drivers.
There are in fact a variety of factors that help a car insurance company to offer lowest rates to young drivers and these factors include the applicant s location, driving record, gender, type of vehicle driven and coverage required. However, it should be pointed out that two teenagers that have more or less the same kinds of applications might not be offered the same cheap car insurance plan.
There are reasons why your rate may not be the same as that for another person with similar characteristics. You may, for example, be driving different types of vehicles or perhaps the other applicant has more years of driving experience or they may have scored higher grades in college. All these factors will influence the rate offered by a car insurance company and so you should not expect to get the same rate as is being offered to another young person.
If you are young and you do not have three years of driving experience then you will not qualify for a twenty percent good driver discount. Still, with some effort it is still possible to get a discount for being nineteen years of age because the car insurance company will start calculating driving experience from the age of sixteen and so at age nineteen you will be deemed as having three years of driving experience.
Other ways to find cheap car insurance for a young driver include taking advantage of reductions in premium that are given for having been continually insured within the last thirty days and for shorter commuting to work or to your school. And, of course if your grades in school are good (proof required) you can again get the cheapest rates.
It is also possible to shop for cheapest car insurance for young drivers by increasing deductibles and also by avoiding unnecessary coverage. In addition, you can also permit the insurance company to automatically withdraw their monthly payments straight from your account as this reduces their billing fee. In fact, by totally avoiding billing fee by paying upfront you can again get the cheapest rates.
Furthermore, if you successfully complete safe driving courses you are entitled to young motorist discounts and this helps in two ways: cheaper premiums as well as less risk of meeting with an accident.
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