Although it is not suggested that you interfere or pry into the private lives of your employee, but it will work for you if you know your employee as an individual. What this knowledge will do is it will let you understand your employee and in turn, what motivates him/her. Try to know about their family, background, hobbies etc to name a few, which will give an idea about there values and interests. After you know something about what the employee wants at the present or in the future, especially out of his/her job, then motivating the person through them would be much easier.
As an employer, you are required to be innovative to get your employees to work better under motivation. To learn these ways is to learn a lot therefore you can study online on how to motivate them or you can do a crash course in a private HR firm on employee motivation and acceleration. You got to keep finding innovative ways to make your employees more productive through innovation to keep boredom at bay.
You must think by putting yourself in the shoes of your employee, think what he/she may want out of the job. Many employees join a job with a wish to rise to ranks rather quickly, encourage such an interest by setting possibilities of promotion within the reach of the employees. Circulation in the different branches or sections of the company can also work in your favor as far as employee motivation is concerned. If your employees are confident that you as their employer know about what they want and also care about it, then their work performance is likely to improve.
Make your employees feel that they are a part of the company and therefore talk with them, let them express their opinions and ideas with you. Ask how their life is and simply how is everybody every once in a while to make them feel more comfortable. Informal and individual conversations are a good way to motivate as well. Performance reviews will let you discuss about it with your employees and thus arrange them when you can.
To make an employee feel like he/she is part of the organization is one of the biggest challenge and the best way for motivating him/her on autopilot. To do that, you should be as clear about what is going on in the company as possible because if you keep secrets, the employee would feel left out even if it does not concern him/her directly. Hold meetings when an important matter comes up, hold them periodically even if something does not come up just to keep all the employees updated on the company and its condition. Involve all your employees and ask for their suggestions and thoughts if your company is going to go through some serious policy changes or facing a problem. Inform and prepare your employees so that they make the right impression when a higher officer of the company comes to visit.
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George Ajourte is an author writing about self growth related topics, and you are invited to visit his website covering a number of aspects about self help counseling and self improvement