In these days of multicultural communities and easy air travel, many people have noticed that so many products made outside of say Europe and America are made in third world countries. They have discovered that the person sitting for days on end making that beautiful basket or wallet is actually only getting something very small while those importing the goods get a big chunk of the end price. With all this going on the idea of Fair Trade was born. For example, Fair Trade jewelry, although still quite a good price for the end buyer, means that the person making that particular piece is likely to be paid more for the goods produced.
In many of these third world countries the poor lives on less than one dollar per day. Outside countries know this and some will cash in on the fact. Women in particular are generally the ones left to bring up several children ensuring that they are fed and are healthy, but working all day for very small money does not help anyone.
Some forward looking companies have decided to bring some order into this bad practice and have started try to help these downtrodden people. Very often they will not be taking a profit for themselves; they will just assist the third world country to organize their population to contracts etc. Most of these entities will choose which designs will be in more demands and sell them on to wholesalers and non profit organizations around the world. In this way it is a sort of self replicating deal where they can virtually guarantee that all the styles requested will be bought. Imagine the relief for these underprivileged artisans, who are constantly on the brink of failure, just knowing that they will be making a constant and reasonable income on a regular basis.
Some adornments, like earrings and bracelets, come in beautiful and exciting ethnic designs which seem to go like hotcakes when sold throughout the world. Beads of all kinds, including glass, are perhaps the most colorful of all and are usually mounted with wire to be bent into exciting and unusual styles. This style of adornment is very popular especially during the hot summer months when people tend to want something a bit different. It adds a great focal point to beach wear, evening wear and any other occasional wear they can think of. Most of these artisans are encouraged to go green and will use practically anything they can get their hands on. Recycling is hugely popular since the initial costs are easy to start up. People from all over the world are getting the message about global warming and changing weather patterns and are incorporating this type of gift into their holiday plans.
Indeed, many journals or diaries from these so called third world countries now go tree less. That is, no form of paper is used in the making of the notebooks. They usually use cotton based products for the pages and the cloth or leather bound covers are from known and dependable sources. Leather may seem to be an odd choice for these types of project but the skin comes from places where animals are kept cruelty free.
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Connor Sullivan recently purchased a couple of fair trade bags and jewelry for his wife and daughter. His wife ordered some fair trade jewelry to use as gifts for many of her family members.