Blue is one of the most popular choices for favourite colors, and navy aficionados are quite particular about the specific shade of color they love. But even people who prefer red or green tend to admire plates and glassware for the dining table in a rich shade of azure. There's something that draws one to cobalt blue glassware, and has since the beginning of the color creation.
How Does The Color Get Into Glass?
All glassware is formed of glass heated to demonic temperatures of 2000F and above. While the glass is in a liquid state dyes and pigments can be mixed in to the clear material to obtain rich reds, bright oranges, and many other shades and hues on the color palette. The navy glassware so commonly seen on marketplace shelves and fine shops is created by adding cobalt salts to glass.
Some glassware isn't uniform in color. Glassblowers can add tints and pigments in such a way as to create swirls of color inside clear or coloured glass. Spotting and spattering are also some colour patterns used to spice up glass pieces. However, patterned glassware doesn't catch everyone's eye and seems to only attract certain individuals, whereas solid blue glassware is definitely one preferred by the general public.
But blue glassware does have an interesting twist, and you should save this glassware for curio or display pieces. The color of glass can affect a taster's evaluation of a food or beverage. This means that to most people, something served in blue glassware will taste different than the same liquid in a clear container. A study on taste preference and glassware color conducted on 40 students, 20 of each gender, showed that food and drink served on or in blue glassware was considered to be the least appetizing in look and taste. So while cobalt glassware may be pretty and attractive, it's not the best choice for dinnerware.
There's one exception to avoiding blue for serving food - cold drinks. People's perception of warm and cool colors is an actual fact. Test subjects in the study asked to choose the coldest drink out of four different coloured glasses containing the same liquid of the same temperature almost invariably chose the sapphire glassware, considering it the coldest drink. Not only that, test subjects found the drink in the blue containers the most thirst quenching, so maybe the best compromise if you love that cobalt glassware then buy the drink glasses only and leave the mugs and plates behind!
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Eddie Lamb publishes an abundance of information on a range of topical subjects. Click on any of these links to find out more about red glassware , beer glassware and cobalt blue glassware .
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