Your Basic Guide to Choosing Cross country and Downhill Snow Skis
There are two distinct and major types of snow skis and these are the cross country and the downhill skiing types. When choosing which kind of skis you should buy for these two types, you will need to determine a few things first before you do settle on a particular pair of skis. The choices are often based on the kind of skiing activity you will be doing as well as the level of ability you have, your build, weight, and gender. Here are few basic tips on choosing the kind of skis you might need.
How to Choose Your Downhill Snow Skis
When choosing your downhill snow skis, here are few informative pieces and tips for you to keep in mind:
Snow skis that are meant for downhill skiing are often found to measure between 160 centimeters to 210 centimeters, depending on the kind of downhill skiing you will be doing. Most conventional straight skis have lengths that are increased in five centimeter increments while carving skis often have increments made in tens.
When selecting your skis, always remember your height plays a factor in the length of the ski you should be using. Longer skis are ideal for taller people and shorter skis for not so tall individuals.
The level of your expertise on the slopes is also a consideration when choosing your skis. Shorter skis are better for beginners and longer skis are for those who are more skilled and are ready to speed down those slopes aggressively.
To properly choose your skis according to how much you weight, consider these pairings of weight and ski length as a guide. People who weigh less than a hundred pounds should buy a ski that is no longer than 4.5 feet while someone who weighs more than 200 pounds should consider buying skis that are 5.5 feet long or longer.
How to Choose Your Cross Country Snow Skis
When deciding on which pair of cross country snow skis you might want to buy, here are a few tips that you might find useful:
There are four major types of cross country skis that are used for the many different variations of this sport. These skis are traditional touring skis, skating skis, off track skis, and back country skis.
Cross country skis also come with features that can be useful to the skier. Some of the features you may need to look at when choosing the skis you want for cross country skiing includes sidecut, camber, dimensions and waxing.
Accessories for this kind of activity are also important and finding the right poles to complement your snow skis with lies in the kind of skiing you will be doing as well. The kinds of ski poles you can choose from when it comes to cross country skiing are divided into two major types, the in track and the off track types. In track poles are usually smaller and shorter than out track poles and have smaller pole baskets as compared to those on off track poles.