When choosing an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner for home use, you must consider the size and the reputation behind the cleaner. Most are available at retail stores or online and aren’t too expensive. But you don’t want to waste money on one that doesn’t perform properly. You may want to shop around because there are so many on the market today and have some knowledge about how they operate.
Go to any warehouse shopping club or jewelry store and you will see them being sold. The prices may start around $30 or more depending on brand and size. Ultrasonic waves and cavitations are what make these cleaner different from jar cleaners or paste. Cavitations are what are created by the sound waves, which produces cleaning bubbles that can remove small particles from the jewelry. In the cleaning process, these bubbles are created with the cleaning solution and go to work remove dirt and grime. The surface areas will be cleaned as well.
The ultrasonic cleaner is comprised of a tank, parts basket, tank cover and solution. The technical parts are the transducer and a generator. It is all electrical. The rest is easy. All you have to do is add the cleaning solution to the tank, place your jewelry in the parts basket and turn the machine on. You no longer have to worry about get your hands wet or having to deal with harmful chemicals such as ammonia. Tap water works well in the cleaning machine too. Once it has ran the cycle of cleaning, you can let the jewelry sit in the solution for a few minutes. This way any loose particles can settle in the tank and not remain on your jewelry. After soaking, remove, rinse and dry your jewelry with a soft cloth. Anyone in the family can operate the machine. But remember to follow the instructions that are in the manual for the best results.
If you were in the habit of always taking your jewelry to the jeweler for cleaning, you no longer have to pay him to do what you can do at home. You will still need to see him for inspections of your stones but at least you save some money by cleaning your precious jewelry at home. The inspections are free but the cleanings aren’t. Why not have the convenience at home and stop wasting time going to the jeweler? Last minute cleanings are at your fingertips or have your jewelry cleaned at your leisure.