As you recognize, blogs are a terrific SEO practice and builds credibility for the site and the organization, showing solid, regular activity that search engines like google take notice of.
Site visitors will add to the site via the blog observations and requests and enhance the level and raise the importance around keywords and phrases, based upon what is introduced to the Internet and connecting to the site.
Here is a high-quality practice that will get clients more bang for the buck.
Create two blogs a week and post them at the Web site. Submit the blogs to as many blog and RSS feed submission web sites as possible. In lieu of a blog where you might invite commentary from others, you could use an RSS feed at the Web site, but there would be no interaction with visitors.
Place each blog on as many social networking sites as possible. Social networking has demonstrated to be a fast way to get the information onto the Internet and get it noticed by search engines.
Join and edit the two blogs into one clarifying piece of writing and submit the article to as many article submission sites as possible. But notice, Google and other search engines will only post one version of the same content. will not post an article at all if it has identical content appearing in a different place on the Internet. Hence, the next step.
Redraft the article to clarify and inform the same information but in separate ways and submit the articles to as many article submission sites as possible.
Duplicate the process every week for two more blogs, an article, and multiple versions of the article, and submissions to all the sites.
Making the most of every attempt
It’s simple to see how much mileage the information can get when a strategy and tactics are employed.
The J Howard Company has the skill and experience to handle all of this and more. Blog conception, article creation, editing, version creation, and batch-submitting to hundreds of article, blog and RSS feed submission sites, and dozens of social networking sites, in combination with writing efficient Web page matter, link-building strategies, and Web marketing strategies all developed around sound SEO practices proven to get excellent results, quickly.