Joblessness is the highest it's been in recent memory. What's worse, many more employment are in jeopardy and, numerous individual financial savings accounts have taken a hit; what category do you fall into? Fact is, the employment scenario is not going to improve in the foreseeable future, so, what will you do? Continue right down the path of saving more money and spending less money right along with the rest of us.
That requires discipline some hard work and a lot of resourceful thinking but it's doable. The key is to do it by thinking creatively and making it fun. Make it a game more than a chore. Make it a "want-to" instead of a "have to". Whether it's easing up on credit card use, You can refinance the payment on your house or find ingenious ways of generating more income. Whatever course you decide to take, you can give your finances a makeover in no time if you have the guts to make some minor adjustments initially. Exactly what are you willing to do and how quickly are you willing to take action to get yourself to a better place financially?
You have money, right now, that you are spending but not optimizing. What does it mean for your money to be optimized? It means that you since you are going to spend the money for your basic essential living and personal care needs, you should do it in a way that puts money back in your pocket. This may not work for each expense category you currently have, but it most certainly can be applied to some of your major expense categories that you may not even be thinking of. Chance are, you are currently spending money that you could spend a little differently and actually make money.
You can limit your cash spending by cutting up the credit cards. Credit cards are convenient, but that's exactly the issue. That's why people are in so much debt. People love convenience, but hate discipline. Now, everyone's paying for it. Are you one of them? If you insist on still using credit cards, you can check with your card issuer to see if they will lower your interest rate or see what other incentives they offer if you your credit is good. If they won't help you, find a credit card issuer who will.
When making financial decisions, time is definitely of the essence. Every decision you make today will somehow impact your financial future and your life either positively or negatively. By the way, not making a decision is a decision. Procrastination is not a solution. Decide what direction you want to your future, financial and otherwise, to move in and get going in the direction of your dreams. Thirty days from now, you will either have taken some minor steps forward or some major steps backward. The choice is now, and will always be, yours. So, what's it going to be?