Recently, I just mailed out over a half dozen thank you cards to relatives and friends, thanking them for their cards and birthday gifts that they gave me for my birthday, which just passed. In doing so, I couldn t help but think to myself that I am the only person I know of (other than a few friends who have gotten married) who actually takes the time to sit down and write out a thank you card. Instead, more people opt to send out these things called e cards . Similar to a regular card, the only difference with an e card is that it is an electronic card that is sent to someone over the Internet. In order for it to work out the way you want to, you and whomever you are sending the e card to has to have access to the Internet. You also have to make sure that the other person has an email address. If you ve got those two things down, then you re good to go! There is an ongoing debate that has been waged over whether or not e cards are better or worse than regular cards, and the debate has been losing a little bit of steam. After all, everyone and their mother has a computer with the Internet on it nowadays; so why wouldn t they turn to using a computer, which is faster and significantly cheaper than having to put up with the hassle of going out, searching for thank you cards, writing one out by hand, waiting in line at the post office and then all just to have the person on the end glance at the card once before throwing it away? Does it make sense to you? So what does this have to do with sending a card in the mail versus not? Formality.
Nowadays, it seems like the only things that people get in the mail are bills, but even my utility bills as well as other expenses are managed online because it is simply easier and more affordable. Not only this, but by managing my bills online, it significantly cuts back on wasted paper. In fact, I recently sent notifications to two companies who send me both an electronic statement as well as a written one to stop sending me the written one. What s the point? Sending e cards as well as paying for your bills online allows a person more freedom to travel and still be able to manage their personal lives from far away. Imagine being in a foreign country around the time of a loved ones birthday. You don t know the area, but you want to send them a birthday card. Instead, you know that they have an email address that they check often, so you opt to send them an e card that you think they will enjoy. Perhaps, at the end of the day, it s not about how much money you did or didn t spend. No perhaps it really is about the thought that counts. People want to know that they are appreciated and remembered. Whether you re a business person sending an e card to another colleague, or just an average joe who wants to reach out to his mom on her birthday to let her know that you re thinking about her, e cards provide an excellent opportunity to do just that.