If, like a growing number of people, you enjoy shopping from the comfort of your own home, but fear that you may be missing out on the very best available deals, offers and discounts then the Catalogue Deals website is exactly what you need to save you money. The incessant rise in the popularity of online shopping appears to have been very good news for the sellers, but has not always been such good news for buyers, who are not always able to seek out and compare the best deals.
Bearing in mind that many catalogue companies now have their own online presence, it is a logical extension to provide customers with new and innovative ways to be able to view several catalogue titles from a single location.
Therefore, in order to empower consumers like you, Catalogue Deals has collated detailed information from a selection of major UK catalogue companies, including household names like Argos, Littlewoods, Tesco Direct, Freemans, John Lewis, Marks and Spencer, Great Universal, Betterware and many more. As a result of the information that is available, there is no longer any need to leaf through the pages of different catalogues, not knowing if you are paying over the odds.
For each catalogue company, you can read a brief overview of their history as well as reading more about what each company has to say about itself. In addition, the individual catalogue sections also provide additional information about the various different product ranges on offer, customer service information (including delivery details and returns policies), as well as other tips about what to look out for. Visitors to the Catalogue Deals website can also provide feedback of their own shopping experiences.
As well as allowing visitors to take a look at individual catalogue titles, the Catalogue Deals website is also designed to facilitate the comparison of similar products, allowing you to discover the biggest savings and the best deals, based on up to date product data. This is achieved by using a fully searchable database of regularly updated product feeds from all listed catalogue merchants. Visitors can easily browse through hundreds of thousands of different products from all listed merchants, or alternatively from a single merchant, all from one handy location. Registered users also have the option to further customise the layout of the website to enable their favourite catalogue titles to be listed in priority order, to make it easier to use for subsequent visits.
In addition, the Catalogue Deals website is regularly updated with news of special offers and discount codes, which may entitle users to a percentage discount, money off, or free delivery. What's more, many of these offers and codes will not be promoted on the various merchant websites, so there is a real incentive to keep up to date with the latest offers and save yourself money.
As well as visiting the website, registered users can also keep fully up to date with the latest news articles and deals via automated emails. Alternatively, there is also an option to subscribe to the RSS news feed or to follow us on Twitter, and for sharing specific deals with your friends and family via email or social networking websites. So now there really is no excuse for not staying up to date with all the best deals and offers.
With the help of Catalogue Deals, home shopping need not be a chore any longer,