Do you realise that by never taking golf coaching then, as a golfer, you are adding stress, problems and ample of expense to your game?
By trying to save time and cash and avoiding the odd lesson with a professional golfer, you are destroying your game. Yes, golf coaching are not free, but on the whole, they are not that expensive, especially compared to the alternatives!
I often sit in my preferred cafe and watch people teeing off at the 1st and 8th holes, which are in sight of the cafe. It is amazing how many of the regular players that I see teeing off week in week out have the same fundamental flaws in their swings. I am sure that the local professional could do wonderful business by only popping out of the shop and giving a few tips.
But, these are people that believe they are satisfied with their game and can get no better. But watching them tee off, most of the balls bear right and avoid the greens.
Yet, these easy flaws, which are so simple to develop over time, are easy for a professional to pick up on and correct. Only one lesson every few months or even every year can wipe away the bad habits that have developed and set you back on the right path.
I know - I had a regular session with my golf professional last week and a slight change to the grip and stance and the ball now flies straight off the tee, flying lower from the driver, straighter and further. One simple lesson and I am so much more enthusiastic and have popped down to the range to practise the good habits!
So, apart from a few bad habits, what does not having a lesson price you? Well, loads! Even though you are not interested in your handicap or do not yet have one, if you are out playing rounds every so often, then how plenty of balls are you losing into the rough? How many games do you play that you do not really get the full value from? Instead, you play the around wishing that you had played better.
Even merely losing 1 ball per around per week could price you a load in excess of the price of a lesson or two in excess of the year with your local friendly golfer. Do the maths - look at how much you are paying for your golf balls and how a lot of you can lose in a game.
If your schooling can help you to straighten your drives, then less balls will go astray, it will be easier to keep the mid game shots on the fairway and you should return with more balls than previously! Not only a good saving, but a amazing moral boost. Soon enough you will be enjoying your game to the next level and spending a load less on golf balls.
So, do yourself a favour - get a lesson from a golf professional before your bad habits are too deeply engrained!
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Written by Keith Lunt, of Eighteen Holes Golf . If you want to read more articles, pop over to our golf weblog for more reading