Everybody is aware of the fact that we all need to eat healthy and in limited quantities to enjoy a healthy living. As we all know just a smell of chocolate or a bad day is good enough to the damage. Many experts have researched and have listed various reasons of why one tends to indulge in food and put on weight.
One of the main reasons for the indulgence is that one does not get enough sleep. When one gets less sleep, the body undergoes certain metabolic changes, which cause weight gain. Lack of sleep has an effect on the waistline as it affects leptin and ghrelin: two hormones which have a control on satiety and hunger. Leptin has a function to tell the brain that no more food is needed, so when sleeps less, the leptin in the body decreases which makes us eat more. Also the other hormone called ghrelin which triggers hunger increases in the body and again results in one feeling hungrier. When one is low on energy, he tends to eat everything that he sees and especially if it is something sweet or rich in carbohydrates. All these factors cause weight gain as the body reactions slow down and result in us eating more than the body requires.
Another factor that causes us to eat more than we need is stress. When we are stressed, the body pumps out high levels of hormones, like cortisol and others which, lead to overeating. Insulin and cortisol make us crave for comfort foods which make us put on weight. The fat cells produce cortisol thus stress affects the fat people more. Insulin and cortisol make the body store more fat which increases the risk of heart diseases. Stress makes it difficult for people to stick to healthy diets and this, eat food which should not be eaten.
People also tend to eat more because of the fact we always have unhealthy and fatty food on our minds. When we eat sugary food and food which is rich in carbohydrates we feel more satisfied and happier. These experiences have a long lasting, happy effect on the brain and thus, the sight of these foods increases craving. Even when we are in similar surroundings where we had all the amazing food, the thought increases our craving and our appetite and thus, we eat unhealthy food and in quantities which are in no way a part of a healthy diet.
We all have stress, we all because of work and other reasons cannot get enough sleep and of course food is always on our mind. This does not mean that we have to live with the guilt and the weight. First we need to forgive our self for indulging once. If we eat too much or unhealthy food we do not have to keep feeling sorry and guilty for this as this will lead to more indulgence. We need to immediately do a detox and eat healthy. We have to exercise more and of course, learn from the mistake so that we do not repeat it frequently.