Red Bugs are not very well liked in some parts of the world. On the other side of the coin, chiggers are very famous in many parts of the world.
Chiggers are the Al Capone's of the insect biting world. A little tiny bite causes the most brutal itch known to mankind.
Wherever chiggers are found, folks are looking for a cure for chigger bites. And stopping the chigger from getting to the body for a free lunch in the beginning.
Hunters and other outdoorsmen are suseptable to getting infected with chiggers while moving about in the woods and other chigger habitations. Chiggers hang out on grass blades and brush leaves waiting for a host-you to come by and invite them to lunch.
The chigger's feeding tube is responsible the itching because the body tries to protect itself from the melt down caused by the chiggers spit injected into the tube.
Some times the only cure for chigger bites seems to be to resort to getting an operation on the affected body part. Scratching cannot seem to be avoided even when all medical advice is not do it. It is impossible to scratch away the source of the itching, now matter how much or how deep the scratcing goes. Getting medical treatment may be necessary if serious infection occures because of scratching.
Temporary relief may be obtained by:
Calamine lotion
Applying heat from a hair dryer, be care not to burn the skin and apply only for a couple of minutes.
Tea Tree Oil
The very best way to cure chigger bites is to avoid where chiggers hangout like dark moist warm places where piles of rotting wood and leaves may be and trimming back brush and greass from inhabited areas. Chiggers love areas where rodents and rabbits frequent as these critters are chiggers favorite hosts. Clear the area so fresh air and sunlight can get in and the chiggers will look for more suitable areas to live.
A mixture of dish soap and vegitable oil solution of 4 Tablespoons each per gallon of water sprayed on the area to be occupied is a good formula for detouring chiggers. or dilute a couple of ounces of Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint oil from Safe Solutions to a gallon water and spray in the desired area.
Here's what else. Now discover how to protect yourself when you are going out.
Don't forget to apply insect repellent to your clothes when you go into chigger infested country. DEET in all its variations can usually be found in most drug and grocery stores. Repellents designed for use on pets only can be even more effective protection against chiggers.
A word of caution. DO NOT use any of these things on children or yourself. Apply the repellent to clothing ONLY at the cuffs, shirtfronts. The skin will quickly absorb any chemical applied to it.
Some essential oils like citronella, geraniol and lemongrass are natural repellents and are safe to use. Pennyroyal essential oil one more such repellent.
Some folks the using pet flea collars is a good choice as chigger repellent. Don't do it. It is not a good choice to use these toxic products. They do not work on repelling chiggers. Above all, think safety. Yours and your children's protection are of first and foremost importance.
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