The plans you make from home before you leave for a trip abroad are what can have the greatest influence on how much money you save. Having arrived at your destination, it is extremely improbable that you will be motivated to save and in fact, it typically is quite the opposite. Naturally, professionals like travel agents will be able to find you lots of savings. However, it is best to consult an agent with some of your own ideas, as they too have hectic schedules and can miss things. I've learned some concepts the difficult way, and now I'm passing on the advice in the hope that you'll have a better time on your trip and also save some money.
One of the keys to saving money is planning as far in advance as possible, but do not focus on a specific date until you actually book reservations. If you build some flexibility into your plans, you will be able to shop around for when the best travel deals are. Joining a group trip can provide a great advantage for the novice traveler. In many cases group fares will be cheaper than if you and one other person went, plus you are likely to be traveling with someone who has done some previous traveling abroad.
Keep in mind that currencies can fluctuate as well, so if you're planning on vacationing across multiple countries this can end up being a headache. A few banks provide prepackaged kits containing small amounts of currency. Make a point to educate yourself in the various currencies before leaving; cash will be helpful for miscellaneous expenses abroad, such as lunches, tips, and taxis. A currency converter can also come in handy so that you don't have to do the calculations in your head.
When looking into ways to cut costs, a great way to do so is by finding lodging without a private bathroom. This will cost a substantial amount more, typically just about twice as much and in some cases, three times the ordinary rate. Breakfast is typically included in the room charge in Ireland, Scotland, and England, so you will not have to worry about finding a restaurant first thing in the morning. Elsewhere, the breakfast generally is continental with coffee and rolls and costs a small amount extra.
Talk to your travel agent about cutting out the unnecessary luxuries, what type of accommodations you would find for friends visiting, would you be looking for a four star hotel with every amenity? The same type of clean, cozy, reputable, quiet room at reasonable prices, that you would want to find for your friend visiting you, is available in most overseas destinations.
What is a vacation without making it to the shops? Talk to your agent about any items you are interested in purchasing abroad and he could provide information on locations where your items could be obtained at the least cost. You will be able to locate duty-free shops virtually anywhere you travel; these shops offer near unbeatable prices. If you aren't careful though, you will have to pay taxes when you reach customs. Travelers can avoid these extra charges and time delays by mailing purchases home. There is no limit on the number of packages that you mail. No matter what you do, you will need to keep your receipts in case customs asks for them.
Do not forget that you have to make plans in advance and read as much as you can on your destinations. There is absolutely no such thing as too much research. The more information that you have in advance, the more successful you will be in planning your itinerary. By being prepared ahead of time you'll have more time to have fun, relax and even be able to save money without obsessing over penny pinching every minute and ruining your experience.
Before you leave, make a pact to leave issues at home. Even if you have to deal with them when you arrive home, you can enjoy your travel abroad without carrying that burden.
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