Having good credit is a subject of great concern in this current economic situation. Everyone is worried about the state of their credit so if you are, just know that you aren't alone. There are millions of others out there that also want to know what they can do to improve their credit. The following are 5 suggestions or ways to improve or maintain good credit.
1. Purchase LifeLock Identity Theft Protection Is identity theft protection really worth it? Many people would agree that identity protection is one of the most important services to have these days. More and more, criminals are turning to crimes involving people's identity because it is a lucrative business. They are taking money from millions of Americans and American companies, and leaving you, the victim, to deal with cleaning up the mess. Get help and avoid identity theft with a service like LifeLock. It is really easy to sign up and definitely worth the money.
2. Review your credit with your FREE report Resident of most states have the right to receive one free credit report from each of the three bureaus annually. To retrieve your free reports, all you have to do is write, call, or go online. You can find the actual contact information through a google search or via a phone book. You can use these reports to dispute any claims that may be inaccurate or that may be the result of identity theft. Remember that you won't get your credit score on these reports, but you can tell what good things or bad things are listed.
3. Call credit companies if you are going to be late on a payment, and get deadline extensions One thing that many people forget is an option is contacting the credit company. If you know you're going to be late on a credit card or utility payment, notify the company. That way, you'll be able to get an extension on your deadlines and you won't get the same kind of impact on your credit. Communication goes a long way toward keeping your credit in top shape.
4. Try and only use credit for major purchases like houses and cars or in emergencies. Many people over extend their credit by using it for little things and everyday purchases. If you want to make sure you keep good credit, one thing you can do is avoid using it. Put only large purchases on a credit card or take out a loan only for major things. Keep a card on hand for an emergency rental car or hotel, but otherwise, keep away from your credit. Your score will thank you later.
5. Pay on time. It doesn't get much easier than this, and yet many people break this cardinal rule. Late payments definitely get reported on your credit, unless you have talked to your creditors in advanced and made arrangements. Also, try and make more than the minimum payments when you do pay your credit cards. It will help you get out of debt faster, and help your credit score too.
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LifeLock is an identity theft protection service that has been helping people protect their credit and their identities for years. It's a great service, and many feel that Life Lock not only gives them a great service, but peace of mind as well. To find out more about LifeLock , go to www.lifelock.com.