As our present society adopts a healthier and greener lifestyle, government organizations and other health related affiliations are now becoming more conscious on the effects of tobacco smoking. As a response, smoking bans are increasing, limiting the opportunities and places where cigarette smokers would be able to satisfy their cravings. In this reason, electronic cigarettes have been created.
Electronic Cigarettes are now considered as the best option in sustaining one’s addiction to nicotine, minus the excessive hazard conventional cigarettes provide. Usage of the said device promise its users a look, feel and taste of a real cigarette, without the following negative factors smoking real cigarettes come along with:
* No second hand smoke
Keeping non-smoking party’s proximate to the smoker safe from the smoke
* Zero flame needed
Lighter would no longer be required in lighting one, since electronic cigarettes are powered by rechargeable batteries
* No Carbon monoxide
Due to the absence of material requiring to be burned to produce its effect
* No tar
Absence of the substance that causes discoloration of the smokers’ teeth
* No bad breath
Along with tar causing substances, electronic cigarettes do not contain nor involved any process that may negatively affect the smokers’ breath.
How does an electronic cigarette work?
Upon the smoker’s inhalation, the heating portion within the system known as the atomizer would be activated, which would then heat the liquid content of the cartridge. Once heated, the liquid would then become a vapor, from that form the user would inhale and exhale. This vapor is what gives the user the sense of smell and taste similar to that of the conventional cigarette.
The cartridge is where the nicotine substance is being stored. This is acquired by the manufacturers by processing and extracting the same kind of tobacco plants used for cigars and cigarettes. However, this nicotine content is only optional in the electronic cigarettes’ operation. The said electronic smoking device would still be able to provide similar function even without the substance, as long as it is charged.
However, despite the less harm it could inflict the user, electronic cigarettes are still not allowed to be used by persons who are not yet of legal smoking age, pregnant and breast-feeding women, and also persons who are in risk of high blood pressure, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. Cartridge content should also not be taken directly, for ingestion of such could cause poisoning.