In todays revoltuionized music industry, bands now more than ever have the opportunity to make it via the web. You can get your mp3's positioned on itunes or cdbaby moderately economically. There are numerous musician networking web sites for indie bands to join in order to obtain new publicity. Now more than ever it is up to musicians, bands, producers etc.. to take the ball and run with it.
One obstacle I've found is the overwhelming aspect of being able to sort through all the competition. Most web pages, even Myspace, though easy to promote your band or promote your music, make it tricky to be discovered. Their search and browsing functionality are weak. And with the implementation of song play increasers found in some bots, bands have an effortless time making it seem like they are doing better than they really are. And have you ever asked yourself, "how much money has Myspace earned me?" They make tens of millions each month (although they look as if to be going through some pretty coarse times now) from advertisement. You are being exploited and capatilized on and your mp3 profits are hurting since some other band is turning their stats system into a farce but getting more exposure. Undoubtedly there are some really respectable indie bands and musicians out there that are doing pretty well and deserve to be. But I've found that there is a lot of good bands and music out there that will most likely never make it and has nothing to do with the quality of their music.
In fact I've come accross countless bands and thought to myself "Why isn't this band on the radio?" Well besides the corporate bs that will get some out-of-date sad and patheitc ozzy tune overplayed too many times a day, or some hip new r&b tune played 200 times in an hour, you're music won't ever get played on main stream radio because well, there is no other reason than the corporate bs! So eff 'em. I guess if you want to hear what is up and coming or even touring nationally or internationally in smaller venues, you need to go the net. Mainstream radio is not anything more annoying personalities and cheap contests to get you to listen in to some irrevelant out-of-date metal song or to that hip new r&b song for the 200 hundrenth time in an hour so advertisers can vomit their overly obnoxious sales pitch REALLY LOUD! Give me an effin' break!
Meanwhile, really good bands, musicians and artists, even the ones who are touring smaller venues, get no publicity. So back to the net. It is really of the essence to promote your band or promote your music internet. You need to join as many indie music web sites as possible. You'll get lost in the shuffle at Myspace. Let's be straightforward, the music industry is saturated with aspiring bands, musicians and producers. And if you feel like you're getting covered on these other internet sites because of weak searching and browsing capabilites, then check out COMPLETE MY TRACKS! Not only will your style and sound or if not in a band, musical talent, be unsurfaced at the click of a button but you get paid $6.50 for each and everyone of your referrals! The cost is only $12 a year, that's only $1 a month. This site will be the next big thing. Help it grow, gain exposure and make money in doing so! Check it out!